December 1 is World AIDS Day, and it was first declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1988. It is an opportunity for all people around the world to unite in the fight against HIV, to show our support for people who are viruses live, and let's remember the people who succumbed to this disease.
Today is December 1, World AIDS Day. A case of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, which can occur as a result of HIV infection. It is as a prevention against infection protection during sexual relations crucial. For this purpose, you members VIRUS project Medical student associations of Slovenia invite you to join them at the stands. There you can learn about better protection, the difference between HIV and AIDS and much more, and by participating in a prize game win practical prizes and new knowledge. They are waiting for you in Citypark and Supernova today, December 1, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
HIV is not the same as AIDS
HIV is a virus, which after infection attacks the immune system and weakens it more and more with its action, and also causes damage to other organ systems and tissues. AIDS is a condition when the immune system is already so weakened that defense against various infections and certain types of cancer is no longer possible. According to the WHO, at the end of 2018 there were people infected with the HIV virus 37.9 million people worldwide. And while World AIDS Day is a great opportunity to talk about HIV publicly, we must remember that important awareness throughout the year.