
10 doors that act like they lead to another world

Doors really aren't too exciting, are they? Although this is the only part of the building exterior that many people deal with every day, it is usually an extremely boring thing. However, we discovered that this is definitely not true...

When we started looking for the most special ones, we realized that there are quite a few interesting doors in the world that act as if they lead to another world. Doors already in fairy tales and science fiction stories carry various interesting meanings that we find unique and exciting. So let's take a look at the door that takes us somewhere else. In any case, they conjure up the possibility of daydreaming...

1. Burano, Italy

Photo: John C. Hutchins
Photo: John C. Hutchins

2. Santa Fe, USA

Photo: Ken Piorkowski
Photo: Ken Piorkowski

3. Copenhagen, Denmark

Photo: Ingeborg van Leeuwen
Photo: Ingeborg van Leeuwen

4. Montmartre, Paris, France

Photo: John Kroll
Photo: John Kroll

5. Italy

Photo: socket974
Photo: socket974

6. Morocco

Photo: David&Bonnie
Photo: David&Bonnie

7. Chile

Photo: Byron Ellis
Photo: Byron Ellis

8. Japan

Photo: Anya Langmead
Photo: Anya Langmead

9. Morocco

Photo: Olga Osipova
Photo: Olga Osipova

10. Shanghai, China

Photo: Sean Maynard
Photo: Sean Maynard

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