
10+ ethical and sustainable fashion brands: for shopping without a bad conscience

In front of you are more than 10 ethical and sustainable fashion brands that allow online shopping in Slovenia as well!

Sustainability is becoming more and more important, there's no denying that. More and more people are trying to reduce their impact on the planet, and as a result, more and more are appearing ethical and sustainable fashion brands, which meet demand and help change the fashion industry for the better.

What makes a brand ethical?

In short: an ethical brand ensures that positively affects people, the planet and animals.

He ensures that he also treats his workers fairly. This includes policies and practices on child labour, forced labour, worker safety, rights to join a trade union and payment of wages.

The ethical brand also cares about the use of resources and energy and thus tries to reduce its carbon footprint, its impact on waterways, and also practices the safe use and disposal of chemicals.

Last but not least, the ethical brand uses no or very few animal products, such as wool, leather, fur, angora, astrakhan and exotic animal skin and fur. If it gives up completely, then we can say that the brand is 100% vegan!

Now that you know what to look for in order to determine whether a brand is ethical or not, you can decide to shop in your area or from one of the online stores (also reducing your carbon footprint) that work in Europe or the European Union and delivered to Slovenia. We have collected some great online stores for you, where you can find sustainable and ethical clothes, underwear, shoes and fashion accessories.


Birdsong is a boutique brand that produces beautiful women's clothing. These are handmade by seamstresses and tailors in London who earn "above the average London wage". The company is based on the philosophy of honesty and authenticity and promises customers "no sweatshop, no photoshop".



Woron creates vegan underwear and other fashion pieces (socks, t-shirts, casual wear) that will stay in your closet season after season!



Since 2015, ASKET has been creating timeless products with revolutionary sizes and fair prices. This is a brand that whistles on seasonal collections, cuts out all the middlemen and sells directly to you – by focusing entirely on making one permanent collection.

Honest Basics

Honest Basics

Honest Basics is a GOTS* certified brand based in Germany. They strive to make sustainable fashion accessible to everyone – keeping prices low, creating quality staples that can be found in every closet, and constantly improving the sustainability of their products and supply chain.



Underprotection is a Danish brand that combines ethics and aesthetics, creating underwear, leisurewear and swimwear from sustainable materials. They limit the amount of water they use in their production and have also adopted the Fair Wear Foundation's code of conduct, making them responsible for working conditions and the production chain in the producing countries.



"Love fashion, think bio, be responsible" are the maxims of LANIUS. In their production, they use environmentally friendly materials, such as GOTS-certified cotton. All LANIUS facilities are certified with SA 8000**, and this brand is also a member of the Fair Wear Foundation.



Fashion and sustainability can undoubtedly go hand in hand, as Womsh footwear proves. Their sneakers are entirely designed and made in Italy, they use recycling, they use only clean energy for 90 percent of their production needs, and they also strive to reduce their carbon footprint, including by planting trees. The offer also includes a line for vegans.

MUD Jeans

MUD Jeans

The Dutch brand MUD Jeans is dedicated to sustainability. In addition to selling beautiful sustainable pieces, they also offer a rental service where you can rent jeans for up to a year! After the year has passed, you can exchange your jeans for a new pair for a monthly "subscription" amounting to 7.50 euros. MUD Jeans also use a combination of organic cotton with GOTS certification and post-consumer recycled cotton.



OhSevenDays was founded by Megan Mummery, who wanted to bring people closer to "slow fashion" and the power of circularity. The Istanbul-based brand sources its fabrics from scraps in the city's garment factories, creating everyday women's clothing that is both wearable and ethical. Basically, they make "slow fashion" out of the scraps of "fast fashion".



Affordable, ethical and trendy. Germany's Armedangels covers all essential pieces for women, men and children. Quality and long-lasting pieces are made from environmentally friendly and certified materials such as GOTS certified cotton. This brand has also adopted the Fair Wear Foundation's code of conduct to protect its workers abroad.



CARPASUS is a Swiss men's brand that produces fine shirts, socks and handkerchiefs. Here, too, they decided to use GOTS-certified cotton and local production, thereby reducing their carbon footprint. They also carefully monitor their production chain and provide workers with good working conditions and regular wages.

Mother of Pearl

Mother of Pearl

Mother of Pearl is a sustainable and ethical brand of luxury designer women's clothing and accessories that celebrates individuality and uniqueness. The brand uses more eco-friendly materials, including organic cotton, and is also committed to fair wages for workers in its production chain.

Info Box

*The GOTS certificate is the leading or the highest global standard for the production of organic textiles. All processing stages of organic fibers must take place separately from conventional processing and be clearly defined. All chemical substances (eg dyes and other chemicals used in processes) must be evaluated and must meet basic requirements regarding their toxicity and (bio)degradability. The use of any toxic heavy metals, formaldehyde, aromatic solvents, nanoparticles, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their enzymes is prohibited. The entire process must be environmentally friendly, procedures for reducing waste and discharges must be followed. Units with water processes must at all times accurately record the use of chemical substances, energy consumption, water consumption and disposal of waste water and sediments. Waste water from processing processes must be cleaned in cleaning systems. (Source: pravicna-trgovina.si)

**Standard Social Accountability 8000 (SA 8000) is an international standard in the field of labor and workers' rights, which includes eight social elements (child labor, forced labor, health and safety, right to collective bargaining, neglect, disciplinary measures, working hours, payments ) and management system; they are all based on approaches already known from the ISO 9000 and 14001 standards.

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