
Safer Internet Day 2015

This year, the Day of Safe Internet Use will be celebrated on February 10, 2015, this time with the slogan "Together for a friendlier Internet!". The main purpose of this special day is to promote the safe and responsible use of technology, especially among children and young people.

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This year's theme mainly concerns the responsibility that all users have in creating a safer and friendlier online environment. Children and young people, parents and guardians, teachers, social workers, even industry and politicians, we all play an important role in this.
More than 100 countries from all over the world Every year, the second Tuesday in February celebrates Safe Internet Day. Safer Internet Day is the central event of the European network of centers for a safer Internet INSAFE (www.saferinternet.org), in which national points of awareness about safe and effective ways of using the Internet and ICT technologies operate. Since 2005, Slovenian has also been successfully operating within the network Center for a safer Internet and point of awareness about the safe use of the Internet SAFE.SI (www.safe.si).

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On the day of safe use of the Internet, February 10, 2015, SAFE.SI is organizing online seminar webinar on the topic of online reputation. The webinar will start at 14:00 and will last one hour. It will be led by an experienced provider of workshops for pupils and students within the framework of the SAFE.SI awareness point Team Berce.
We will be able to discover what reputation is, how we influence it and how reputation affects us. We will ask ourselves what is appropriate to post online, what is not, and how our posts affect our reputation. We will look at how we can take care of him and how content is removed from the internet. 86% people use search engines (Google) to find more information about other people. 75% people use search engines to find information about themselves, and almost half say the results about them are not positive. We will be able to talk about the importance of building a positive reputation and through discussion questions we will open various topics: Why is e-reputation important? How can the e-opinions of others affect us? Where do we all create our e-reputation? How do we build it? How do we take care of him? What is reputation management?

The webinar will be available on this web link via Adobe Connect. We need to cooperate individual computer access, internet access, microphone and headphones. More detailed instructions for participation will be published on the SAFE.SI website before the start of the webinar.

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