
10 foods for a flat stomach - foods that melt belly fat

Flat belly

A flat stomach is to women what a "six pack" is to men. It is not only a reflection of a healthy diet, but also of regular exercise. Every day we hear about magic diets and miraculous weight loss products that cost us hundreds of euros. Maybe it's time to look in the kitchen and find foods that will help burn belly fat. Of course, regular exercise should not be forgotten. You know... without a fly, the shoe doesn't come on.

For a flat stomach, you need to reach for the following foods...

10. Oatmeal

Do you know why people crave an unhealthy sweet or salt-filled snack in the morning? Because we miss breakfast, because we haven't had enough breakfast, or because our sugar levels have dropped. One of the ways to prevent such an attack of hunger is to have oatmeal for breakfast. This is rich in fiber and takes longer for the body to digest. That's why we also feel full longer and have no desire for unhealthy snacks. Let's make sure that our oatmeal is without added sugar or flavor, rather we treat it with some berries or banana slices.

9. Nuts and seeds

Flax seeds, pistachios, walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds and any other nut or seed you can think of will help keep your stomach flat. Seeds and nuts are also full of healthy fats and minerals. Some experts recommend eating 24 almonds every day during an attack of hunger. Avoid salty seeds and nuts, as they contain a lot of sodium, which is not good for our blood pressure.

8. Meat

Of course, it is white and lean meat, it is the best type of meat that will keep fat away from our belly. Free-range chicken, fish and grass-fed beef are the types of meat scientifically proven to help burn fat. When we eat food rich in protein, our body uses as much as 30 percent of calories.

7. Protein powder

Protein powders aren't just for people who want to increase muscle mass. These proteins contain amino acids that build muscle and burn fat. If you add two spoonfuls of the powder to your smoothie, you help your body burn fat in the belly area. Of course, the smoothie must not be sweet or made with chocolate. It should contain unsweetened yogurt, fruit and low-fat milk.

6. Oils

This probably sounds completely wrong. Isn't oil full of calories? Oils that are good for consumption have useful calories. These are coconut, canola and olive oil; all of these can actually help our body burn fat. With these oils, we help the body to keep cholesterol at the lowest level, and at the same time satisfy our desire for unnecessary calories. Unhealthy oils are hydrogenated, full of saturated fat and trans fat.

READ MORE: Superfoods that burn fat and help with weight loss

5. Omelettes

Eggs are full of fat-burning protein, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, phosphorus, iron, calcium, choline, folate and essential vitamins. Eggs are digested slowly, so we feel fuller for longer, which makes it less likely that we will look for something to snack on. Before starting to eat omelettes for breakfast, consult your doctor about your cholesterol level. It may be too high.

4. Legumes

Kidney beans, kidney beans, and black beans are rich in fiber, which helps our body get rid of toxins. In addition, they are low in calories and full of protein, which helps in weight loss and body shaping. Dishes with beans will improve our metabolism and once a week we treat ourselves to beans instead of meat.

3. Green vegetables

Kale, broccoli, spinach, arugula and radicchio are full of essential vitamins and minerals and are very low in calories. Broccoli and spinach are especially rich in fiber, which helps to speed up our metabolism and reduce constipation. If we eat a salad before a meal, we will feel fuller.

2. Peanut butter

Peanut butter prevents a bloated stomach, as it keeps the digestive system functioning well, thanks to one key ingredient – niacin. Like nuts and seeds, peanut butter keeps us full longer and makes us less likely to reach for a quick, unhealthy snack. Since peanut butter is full of fat, we need to limit the portion size. Too much peanut butter could raise cholesterol levels in the body. Two spoonfuls per day are enough. Make sure to choose natural peanut butter and avoid those with added sugar.

1. Green tea

Green tea is full of antioxidants that are supposed to speed up our metabolism and melt away fat. According to research conducted by Swiss experts, drinking green tea should help us burn as much as 266 kilocalories more than drinking regular tea. When buying green tea, avoid tea in bottles or plastic packaging because it has been processed and therefore does not contain many nutrients. Instead, you can steep one filter bag of green tea in a cup of water and drink it warm, or add ice cubes to make iced tea. It is recommended to drink four cups of green tea a day.

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