
10 hard and raw truths of Sigmund Freud: they will shake you to the core!

Here are 10 hard and raw truths of Sigmund Freud that will sink deep into your soul.

Sigmund Freud, who we all know primarily as an influential psychologist, was, among other things, a neurologist, scientist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, philosopher and writer. All his life he struggled with truths about man and his existence, so everything he said is very valuable.

"The masses have never longed for the truth. They require illusion and cannot do without it. They constantly prefer the untrue to the true; untruth has almost the same effect on them as truth itself. They have a more than obvious tendency not to distinguish between them." – Sigmund Freud

And we are probably well aware that it is the truth is really hard to accept. And here are 10 raw truths of Sigmund Freud.

1. "The purpose of life is death."
A man who can understand this is brave. The greatest truth of all life is death.

2. "There are two important factors that keep a person healthy: love for work and love for oneself."
The time we have on this planet must be lived. We can love flowers, trees, rain and the smell of the earth after rain. We should never think that the glass is half empty. Not even half full. We must see the glass as it is. Our job can ruin our life or make it better.

3. "Our weaknesses are our strength."
If we accept our weaknesses, then others simply have no weapon against us. We can become strong by accepting the fact that we are not perfect. A similar truth about life was already pointed out by Nietzsche when he said: "Our dilemmas are our hope."

"Our weaknesses are our strength." - Sigmund Freud
"Our weaknesses are our strength." – Sigmund Freud
4. "What we think of as love is not love, but libido."
Test your love: imagine how much pain a loved one can cause you. If you are ready to be with her even after that, then you know that it is true love.

5. "People are more intelligent than they think, and far more immoral than they can imagine."
Each of us chooses our own path in life. Whichever we choose, we have no right to criticize others. Only a person who lacks morality is capable of this.

6. "Dreams are the way to the subconscious."
The subconscious is another key aspect of a person. And Freud was one of the first who understood the meaning of dreams and began to use them in his therapies. According to him, this is the only way to get to know what is bothering us.

7. "Neurosis is the inability to tolerate uncertainty."
Our anxiety about uncertainty is one of the most difficult feelings and we all react to it differently.

"Neurosis is the inability to tolerate uncertainty."
"Neurosis is the inability to tolerate uncertainty."
8. "People can protect themselves from attack, but we are powerless against compliments."
Most of us can't take criticism, and almost all of us have a hard time accepting compliments.

9. "In order to understand a woman, you have to turn the maze into a straight line."
Maybe the problem is that men are so predictable?

10. "I have always looked for trust and strength in other people, but basically they are hidden only in you."
The less our confidence depends on the opinions of those around us, the happier and more productive we will be.

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