Sometimes it just takes a little to see ourselves in a different light. So never give up! Everyone walks their own path, so keep your head up and move forward with confidence.
Quotes and positive thoughts can sometimes really inspire us or restore our confidence.
Let's take a look at some of them!
1. The next time you look in the mirror, try to forget the criteria that say you are too fat, too pale, too old, too small eyes or too big a nose. Look carefully in the mirror and feel your face. When the critic in you is silenced, you will see the real you, without judgment, and this is the first step towards changing the way you experience the world. – Oprah Winfrey
2. Don't wait for the perfect moment because it never will be. There will always be challenges, obstacles and imperfect circumstances. So what? Get started now. With each step, you will become stronger, more skilled, more confident and more successful. – Mark Victor Hansen
3. Always be who you are. Express yourself and have confidence in yourself. Do not look for successful personalities and try to copy them. – Bruce Lee
4. Loving each other is the beginning of a lifelong romance. – Oscar Wilde
5. You - like every human being in the entire universe - deserve love and attention. – Buddha
Napoleon Hill Photo: Takwa Abdo / Unspash
6. Who are you to judge my life? I know I'm not perfect (nor do I want to be) but before you start pointing fingers at me make sure your hands are clean. – Bob Marley
7. Twenty years from now, you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the things you did. So cast away your fear. Sail out of safe haven. – Mark Twain
8. Don't settle for other people's stories. Create your own. – Rumi
9. The magic is believing in yourself. If you can believe in yourself, you can achieve anything. – Johann Wolfgang Goethe
10. The moment you doubt that you can fly, you forever give up on the possibility of actually being able to do so. – James Matthew Barrie