
10+ key challenges you should set yourself as a fresh couple!

Photo by DreamLens Production from Pexels

Put your relationship to the test! As a newlywed couple, complete these 10 micro-challenges and lay the foundation for a successful relationship. Lets go! It's simple!

If you're newly in love, cover your ears when they say yes nothing beautiful lasts forever and similar wisdom  you don't have to deal with it, especially if it's nice for you! Anyway, you can use a few "feints" to liven up the moments together, because they can a good foundation for a common future. Complete these 10 extremely easy challenges!

Challenges you have to do as a fresh couple:

1. Turn off your phone.

Determine the hour of the day when you both turn off the devices that connect you to the world - this way you can deal with each other without disturbing factors, you are "on top of things" and use your time in a quality way.

2. Book a hotel room.

Be secret lovers for one afternoon - if your schedules are impossible to coordinate and you return home completely exhausted, treat yourself to a hot hour in a hotel from time to time. Instead of lunch, you can then eat on the way back to the office.

Book a hotel room
Book a hotel room.

3. Before every sexual intercourse, recite to yourself that it may be the last.

Just think for a moment, if this were true..., what would you do - that way you "concretely tackle" each other and you will not regret it.

4. Jump into the shower together.

You are usually alone in the shower and often spend this time talking to yourself - but make it different every now and then and spend it together. When you let your loved one into your intimate space, your bond can only deepen.

Jump into the shower together
They jump into the shower together.

5. Camping.

Treat yourself to a break in the wilderness, in a tent or just under the stars - a great opportunity to disconnect from everything except the two of you. A tent is a small space and that's all you need.

6. Try out each other's hobbies.

They share the love they share for their hobbies with each other. A great way to get to know each other - maybe one of you is tempted by something new and now you can go fishing, cycling, knitting together...

Let's go camping
Let's go camping.

7. Cuddle.

And let it stay at that sometimes! Like in high school.

8. Tell each other.

It may seem strange to you at first, but it is precisely these kinds of things that break down walls - instead. that you are entertained by television, you prefer to listen to each other.

Read to each other
Tell each other.

9. Massage each other.

There is no need to waste words on the benefits of massage. Anyway... give it to your loved one so that, if you want, you can talk in between. It is a very intimate time that you can spend together.

10. They buy each other underwear.

Gifts have a good effect on the atmosphere - make sure to occasionally delight a loved one with a new piece of underwear. Just be careful with ready-to-wear numbers!

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