
The 10 most common lies you will hear from your partner

Photo: imdb

If we are honest ourselves, it may happen that we expect truth and honesty from others as well. Unfortunately, this is often not the case - especially in relationships, we sometimes find out that our partner lied to us or hid real events from us. Caution is always the right decision, and that is why we have prepared for you a list of the 10 most common lies you will hear from your partner.

1. "The fight is your fault."

Yes, for quarrel two are needed. However, if the fight started because your partner is hurt or did something for you in relation not acceptable, then postponing guilt it shows you that it wants to avoid own responsibility.
In addition, a partner in a healthy relationship will not looked for the culprit, but he will do his best to make you feel comfortable heard and admitted as well your mistakes.

Don't let your partner blame you for every fight Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

2. “I am no longer in a relationship with her.”

Have you started dating someone and then realized that you still lives or is in regular contacts with an ex-girlfriend? This is not the best sign, and many times his words are that their relationship is just yet friendly, far from the truth.

3. “I was just having a drink with friends.”

Of course a drink with friends it does not mean that your partner did something to hurt you hurt, but this statement often turns out to be a lie. So it's a good idea to listen to yours intuition and you take into account whether your partner has ever given you reason for mistrust.

4. "This dress suits you very well."

There is no way he is hiding behind all the lies bad intention– when your partner compliments yours outfit, even though he doesn't like it the most, he does it because he doesn't want you to offend and because he wants you to feel comfortable in your own skin excellent.

A good partner will want you to feel great in your own skin Photo: Mart Producttion / Pexels

5. "Despite our past, she and I are just friends."

Yes, in rare cases ex-partners keep friendly relationship. However, we still recommend that you maintain a healthy dose precautions and that you are on your partner's side behavior attentive. Also, don't forget that you are the one who decides what kind borders you will place in your relationship.

6. "There's nothing wrong with me, you're the only one with problems."

That way disrespectful no one has the right to talk to you that way, least of all yours partner. If your chosen one is sure that it has no mistakes and that you are only your problems you are making it up, we advise you to get in touch as soon as possible leave it– namely, the basis on which a healthy relationship is based healthy communication.

7. “I like you, but I'm not ready for a relationship.”

People usually say this because they they don't want to commit, but at the same time they want to make sure that the person is chosen for them always available. Sometimes it can also mean that the chosen one just doesn't see you as someone to get into relationship and still goes on dating.
You must realize that you are you earn someone who will be in your relationship convinced and which will be your company appreciated. It would be a shame to waste your time and energy wasted with someone who doesn't reciprocate your feelings.

Earn a partner who appreciates you Photo: Mateus Souza / Pexels

8. “I can't wait to learn more about you.”

In the dating world, you will come across both people with sincere intentions as well as to those who their true desires they hide. And it may happen that she will be interested in someone just one thing, but he will pretend to want you meet and descend with you into relationship.
We do not advise at all paranoia, but you have to to convince, what the person really wants from you.

9. “I love you, but I need time to myself.”

Sometimes it really happens that for your own sake mental health we need a "rest" from relationships. However, many times such a statement is just that an excuse, which the partner uses before parting to avoid you saddened.
Of course, this lie in no way means that it is something wrong with you: the partner simply does not see you as someone to continue the relationship with, someone who will be with you more compatible, will be grateful, that he met you.

10. “I didn't see your message.”

It has already happened to you that you are waited all day, to hear from your partner, and from him not even a word? Remember that it is communication necessary in a healthy relationship and that your partner can do it easily for you if he doesn't have time let me know and thus let you know that you and your interest values.

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