
They'll Really Touch You: 10 Movies That Will Make Men Cry, Too

They'll Really Touch You: 10 Movies That Will Make Men Cry, Too

Although boys don't like to admit it, they also get emotional when watching some movies. These are not necessarily sad in themselves, but they touch a person in a special way. And if many people only bring us to the brink of tears, in some even the most emotionally stable ones, anger gives way under the weight of tears. Because no one is immune to crying. And here's the proof. A list of movies that will make even men cry.

Although men swear that this subgenre doesn't exist, but they do exist films, that make even men cry. But shedding a tear or two is not an expression of softness, it is nothing to be ashamed of, especially if it happens while watching one of the films that we will list below.
It's quite interesting, however, what kind of movies bring tears to men's eyes. That's with the movies with a sports theme, as well as films that take a closer look father-son relationship. The movie Rudy, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary these days, plays on both of these strings and made it to our list, among other things.

And another tip for girls. If you want to make a man teary-eyed or even cry, then choose a movie about sports, fathers, dogs, war, lost love, bromance, disasters, or a combination of these. In these cases, put the tissues in the middle of the sofa. 🙂

10 movies that will make even men cry:

Bicycle Thieves (1948)

Vittorio de Sica's poignant story from Italy during the privatization period after World War II, which focuses on a father and son who are barely making ends meet. The father hangs posters, but his bicycle, which he urgently needs for work, is stolen.

Spartacus (1960)

There are many reasons for tears in the classic Spartacus, especially in the second part, when a successful slave rebellion led by Kirk Douglas turns into a disaster.

Rocky (1976)

In the first part, when Rocky is still nobody, we find many moments when we feel bad for him and when his story touches our hearts. Sequels are more about return, recognition and consequently have less room for sympathy.

Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)

First, the mother leaves her husband and seven-year-old son. For the next 15 months, the workaholic Ted learns to be a good father despite the difficulties, then suddenly his wife returns and demands custody of his son.

Field of Dreams (1989)

For a while, Kevin Costner was not only the king of baseball movies, but also of daddy issues movies. Here he combined both under one roof.

Rudy (1993)

A "tear" story about a boy who dreams of playing for the Notre Dame rugby team and this club lacks academic and sports knowledge.

Saving Private Ryan (1998)

Whether it's the beginning, the end, or somewhere in between, Steven Spielberg's World War II epic has plenty of potential tear-jerker moments. That's why emotional moments are not necessary at all. It is enough to show the horrors of war.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" Sam says to Frodo. The moment when even the most hardened heart softens.

Marley and Me (2008)

Every true love story ends with the death of one of the partners. This is especially true if one of them is a dog.

To the Heights (2009)

Boys are allowed to cry even during a cartoon, whether it's Bambi, The Lion King, Toy World 3 or Into the Heights!

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