Photo: IG CoupleGoals

10 naughty rituals that heal relationships

Little things that will light a spark in you again!

Does your relationship seem to be cooling? Then you must try one of these naughty relationship-healing rituals today. Such remedies should be used by every couple. You agree?!

Does your relationship seem to be in a cooling phase? Then make sure you do one of these 10 relationship-healing rituals. They will reconnect and light real sparks in their relationship!

Shared shower

Showering is a very intimate process. That's when we need a safe environment where we can completely relax. Showering together with your partner will definitely bond you both physically and emotionally.

Include food in foreplay

Food and sex - the two main sources of pleasure. But if you put them together, you get a whole new definition of heaven.

Watch a tickling movie together

Don't be shy! Watching steamy movies together can turn your sex life upside down - and in a good way!

Nothing connects more than nature!
Nothing connects more than nature!

They spontaneously go to the sea

Although we have only just stepped into spring, the sun is already gaining its true power. That's when you spontaneously go to the sea with your better half. The sun, warm sand and crystal water will warm your hearts.

Massage each other

There is nothing more relaxing and intimate than a good massage with fragrant massage oil.

Help him shave.

Help your man shave. You can also mess with it a little with shaving foam.

They cook dinner together.


Dinner at a great restaurant certainly has its upsides. But nothing is more fun than hanging out together at home. Prepare a multi-course dinner by candlelight, your favorite record and a drop of excellent wine.

They buy each other underwear.
They buy each other underwear.

They buy each other underwear.

Who is not happy with a gift? But if the gift is really intimate - like underwear for example - that's even better!


Liven up the action in bed.

Introduce the use of various supplements to your sex life. They can tie themselves to the bed or blindfold each other. In any case, pay attention to safety.

They go camping.

Camping is an environment that encourages intimacy. When it gets cold at night, they will have to huddle together to keep warm, and in the morning they will prepare the most delicious breakfast on the stove.

They spontaneously spend the night in a hotel.

Especially for couples with children, it is crucial that every now and then they have time and space just for each other. Escaping to a hotel is a great solution.

Cooking for two is sexy!
Cooking for two is sexy!

Take a hot bath together.

What is more erotic and intimate than a communal bath with soapy bubbles?

Play a role-playing game.

You can also spend Halloween in bed playing role-play.

Write a letter to each other.

If you spend some time apart, instead of countless empty text messages and Skype conversations, write a letter that you can save forever.

They stay in bed all day.

What a lazy, rainy day they treat themselves to staying in bed all day. They can read books, watch movies and eat ice cream.


Holding hands, stumbling together on the ice and sweetening it with mulled wine is the perfect context for arousing romantic feelings. Whether they are a new couple or an old cat - in any case, they must go to the ice rink together at least once this winter.

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