Today, it's easy to underestimate the capabilities of Microsoft's Excel, a program originally designed for processing tables and spreadsheets. Although calculation and graphing tools may not seem to have much in common with painting tools, this member of the Office family also has an artistic streak. And some digital artists have proven that art and math have a lot in common. And yet, what haven't these artists heard of Photoshop?
You probably have to abstractly thinking of putting Microsoft Excel alongside it graphic programs. But as you will see, there can also be rows and columns canvas for artistic creations, which are on par with those coming from Photoshop. The fact is that in art we come across mathematical language (according to Hegel). And although Excel applies to the concept of dryness, a visit to our gallery will convince you otherwise. It proves all the previous points of view, including the fact that not everything is sophisticated software and that Excel is anything but a program to be avoided in general, unless, of course, you suffer from insomnia and would like to fall asleep in any way.
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And even otherwise, they are not art and Excel so to each his own. Imagine his squares like huge pixels and you may find it easier to find the connection between them.
Watch the video to see how masterpiece paintings are created in Excel