
10 questions that science still can't answer

Questions to which scientists do not yet have an answer

Did you know that there are many questions that science cannot yet answer? Hold on. Science has solved many riddles, but it has not cracked all the nuts yet. One such question that still perplexes him is whether God exists. Science also cannot (yet) explain why we dream and what the universe is made of. Or what happens after we die. These are just a few of the 10 questions that science still cannot answer.

Science has already found the answer to many things, but at least it still exists 10 questions that science still can't answer. This explores an informative clip that delves into some of the big scientific questions you're grappling with scientists they are still scratching their heads today and have yet to find an answer to them.

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Scientists still cannot fully explain why we dream.
Scientists still cannot fully explain why we dream.

You have probably asked yourself how it all came about. Is God behind it all or is he to blame for it all big Bang? Scientists say that the universe 13.7 billion years ago created a really big bang, but they can't explain why it happened and what came before it. Will we ever know what happens after death? Watch an interesting video that delves into these and other questions that science cannot yet answer.

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