
10 romantic home dates that you and your partner can try during self-isolation and quarantine

Be romantic, treat yourself to an evening and make sure that you build a healthy relationship in these times, full of challenges, also in the love and partner sphere!

Keep your spark even in these difficult times! If you are looking for something to connect you (but not TV and other technology), check it out a list of suggestions for a date at home!

Write a song together

You can write about how you met, why you love each other, or why two are better than one. Music brings us closer together, even in difficult moments when fear and anxiety are present.

Take on a fun DIY project

There is nothing more exciting than a project created by your own hands. Couples who engage in more activities together have stronger and healthier relationships. You can fix the furniture or change it a bit, you can plant something in the garden or create an urban garden on the balcony, you can make a coffee table out of the pallets you have in the garage, etc.

Take on a fun DIY project.
Take on a fun DIY project.

Talk over a classic board game or while playing cards

The best conversations tend to happen while playing board games, when we shut off all the outside world and all technology. This will help you enjoy each other's company without devices. Card games like Rummy are a great choice for a couple. You can try the card game war. You can find the rules of the game in the attached video.

Build a fort, just like you did as children

You'll never be too old for that. So build a fortress out of sheets, pillows, blankets, turn off all the lights, go inside and tell each other scary stories by the lamp. This will help you to realize that there are pleasures even in simple things. This will improve your creativity and consequently your relationship.

Tasting for two

Now is the time to try food and different drinks together, indefinitely. Be it wine, ice cream, cookies, tropical smoothies or something else.

An evening of spa pampering

Relaxing together can be super romantic. If you have a bathtub, fill it with epsom salt, bubbles, and essential oils to relax. You can give each other a massage. Don't forget to fill the room with your favorite candles.

Painting course for couples

A glass of wine, brushes and a canvas: that's all you need. Find creative painting courses on YouTube and learn how to paint a specific object or how to paint e.g. with sponges, newspaper or rope.

Karaoke night

If your neighbors don't mind, have a karaoke night. If you're feeling romantic, sing a serenade to each other. Who cares if they're not Mariah Carey or Michael Bolton, what matters is that they sing from the heart. They prepare a special prize for the winner who sings more songs correctly. These are evenings that will raise endorphins and serotonin, which will contribute to a healthier relationship.

They learn a new language together

Although it won't happen overnight or two, it will be a wonderful experience just the same. Otherwise, we do not know how long we will be in quarantine and self-isolation. So why not learn something very useful in the meantime and use it, perhaps, on your next trip?

Learning a new language will come in handy.
Learning a new language will come in handy.

Together berita

If you enjoy reading, quarantine is a great opportunity to prepare a real reading corner at home. You can make a tent with cushions or choose two comfortable chairs and have a good tea every time you read.

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