
A 10-second test that reveals our real age!

How old are you really?

Many say that age is just a number and that you are as old as you feel, and not as old as our EMŠO says. Would you like to find out how old you really are? Then take this 10-second test to reveal your real age!

you know what is your real age? When something really nice happens to us, we like to pinch ourselves to see if it might all be a dream! But the next time you pinch yourself, you'll do it to find out how old are you really, because we age differently due to different lifestyles, the environment we live in, and genetics. This one 10-second text but it tells us what our real age is, which can be quite different from the one on paper.

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That's how you need to pinch yourself.
That's how to pinch yourself.

What should you do? Pinch your skin for 10 seconds (the skin, as the largest organ, reveals many things, it also determines our actual age based on its elasticity) on the hand. This should be with the palm facing down, and pinch yourself with the fingers of the other hand in the middle of the hand, between the knuckles and the wrist (see picture), and hold. After the elapsed time, let go and count until your skin straightens or returns to its place. How many seconds did you count?

Do you dare to check?
Do you dare to check?

Test results that tell us what our real age is:

  • 1 to 2 seconds: Your skin is less than 30 years old.
  • 3 to 4 seconds: Your skin is between 30 and 44 years old.
  • 5 to 9 seconds: Your skin is between 45 and 50 years old.
  • More than 10 seconds: your skin is more than 60 years old.

If you did not get the result you expected, it's not too late to act. What can you do? If you smoke, a) stop smoking or b) reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. Drink plenty of water, protect your skin from the sun and avoid sweets.

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