
10 Sexy Things Every Couple Should Try

Sexy things for couples

We immediately associate intimate time with sex. But who says that spending free time with a partner has to include a sexual act and that this act has to be considered as quality free time? Of course, sex plays a very important role in a relationship, and it's good to have a healthy sex life. Sometimes, however, it is also right to spend our intimate time with our partner in a way that merely teases our senses and we are happy just because we can have him by our side. Here are ten "sexy" activities that we should do at least once with our partner. In this way, we will be more connected again, and at the same time we will realize the value of our partner and appreciate the time he devotes to our successful relationship.

Here are 10 sexy things every couple should try…

10. Cycling/exercise.

As a rule, couples avoid exercising together. But this can make our exercises more exciting, and at the same time, it's also a great way to bond even better. Exercise is healthy for the body and mind, and the endorphins released during intense exercise are a guarantee that we will feel great. This is a good way to spend some quality time with your partner - if we don't like gyms, let's go for a walk or a bike ride together.

9. Journal writing.

Right, sounds boring. But journaling is a very good way to express our daily thoughts and relax with a glass of wine. When it comes to spouses, you can try writing a joint diary: you can divide the days and write messages each time. If we want to spice things up, we can write a short erotic fiction for our partner to read and add his own development to the story of our fantasies. If nothing else, it's a great way to tell each other what we want and crave in the bedroom (or elsewhere).

8. Shopping.

Let's go on a friendly trip to the mall and change the routine: instead of going to the stores we usually visit, let's go to a store with "sexy", erotic lingerie and try some products. Let's show what we've chosen and let our partner choose his favorite outfit - knowing what we're wearing under our clothes only boosts his confidence. A "sexy" shopping trip is fun and exciting, but it's also a relaxing break from everyday life.

7. Dance in pairs.

Let's take some dance lessons with our partner. Let's sign up for Latin, standard or other dances that allow us to explore our partner's body even outside the bedroom. These experiences are intimate and sensual.

6. Cooking in pairs.

Cooking for two is a very good bonding experience. The relaxed atmosphere allows us to feel relaxed after a working day. If we are not the best cooks, this is a way to refine our skills, and if the dinner is still not a success, we can enjoy the common laughter that will be provoked by "swallowing" the tasteless food.

READ MORE: 11 small but important things that are necessary for a good married life

5. Massage for couples.

What could be more "sexy" than a couple's massage? A day dedicated to pampering us and our partner will take care of our hands and feet, we will be able to enjoy a back massage, while we will be surrounded by candles and scents that will touch all our senses. You can also choose to have a massage at home: in our sanctuary, you can take turns massaging each other and enjoy the time together.

4. Holidays at home.

No more vacations, but we need a break to reconnect with our partner? We can decide on vacations at home, mini-vacations, during which we go by car to the surrounding area. Maybe we can go for a weekend or rent a hotel room. If we have children, this is a very good idea: we will gain some time for ourselves and do whatever our hearts desire - sleep, eat junk food, watch movies and finally have loud sex.

3. Role play.

If we want to try something new in the bedroom, we can decide to role play. This time we will not perform it in the bedroom, but we will move it to the streets. The role play thus begins where both partners like to go. Conquest follows, which should be intense and passionate. Then the role play moves back home where we can enjoy the effects of the excitement brought on by today's doings.

2. Phone sex.

Phone sex allows us to say what we want without having to deal with the uncomfortable emotions that arise when we say it to someone's face. Or if we need to spend some time apart, this is a great way to stay sexually connected and satisfied until the day our partner returns. All we need is an imagination and a phone.

1. Shared showering.

After a long and tiring working day, we can decide to take a warm shower or a relaxing bath, where we can relax and talk about today's events. Showering/bathing together is sensual, but it's also a great way to relax, talk about the day, or spend some quiet time together when all we share is an enticing glance.

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