
10 signs that you have found the right best friend

How do you know if you really found your best friend?

Photo: Envato

Finding good friends is easy, but the best ones who will stay with you through the toughest trials are far from it. Are you wondering if you have found that best friend who will remain your lifelong companion even on the most difficult paths? Here are 10 signs that the answer is yes.

1. You are a regular guest at her family gatherings

Birthdays, baptize, celebrations of the new year and other holidays, family fun – these are all events to which we invite those who are with us the closest. If a friend makes sure that your name is always on the honor roll and you feel like her family like at home, it shows that you mean a lot to her.

2. Your friend knows about your hardest moments

We all wish that life consisted only of victories and days filled with positivity, but unfortunately, this is not the case. That's right the hardest tests they are the ones that shape our character and make us stronger, so we can be grateful for them too. That does not mean, that we will entrust them to everyone. If it is your friend who you told about the saddest moments from your past, it means that you value and trust her.

3. They have no problem criticizing each other

Of course, everyone prefers to hear praise on their own account. However, the quality of a good friend is that they are capable of you put before the truth even when it's not the most rosy. That's the only way you improve, you learn something new, or even his sincerity save from shame. If you notice that you and your friend have no problem criticizing each other (which, of course, comes from love), this is definitely a good sign.

Photo: Jarritos Mexican Soda / Unsplash

4. Even when they're not together, they stick up for each other

We've all been in a situation where we've heard a not-so-nice opinion about one of our friends. If you are not worried about your friend "getting involved" with the company that doesn't like you the most and instead you know that she will shamelessly put up for you, and you are also willing to do the same for her, this means that your friendship is solid.

5. They talk openly about love and sex

A sign of a good friendship is also that there are no things, which would you be about shame to discuss. If you trust your friend without any problems, even Fr the most intimate details from your life and you know that you she will not judge, you can be calm. This indicates a healthy, solid relationship.

6. She is the first person you turn to after breaking up with your partner

Heartache is certainly one of the worst that we face in life. When he performs, we only want those closest to us with us, because only they know exactly, what to say and how to calm us down. They also know how the relationship went and we easily tell them why it came to an end. If she's your friend the first, which you call when you have love problems, it means that the bond between you is strong.

Photo: Kevinbism / Pixabay

7. They also tell each other those secrets that they promised to keep to themselves

You may not want to admit it, but you've probably told your best friend something you swore you would remained a mystery. Most of the time, we don't have bad intentions when we do such actions - we often want to help someone, but we don't know how, and we ask someone else for advice. If you know it will be a secret stayed with your friend and that she will try to help as best we can, this indicates that you are placing your trust in the right hands.

8. You get through even the most difficult situations together

The saying goes yes you meet a true friend in an accident– and that's true. If your friend she didn't leave in the most difficult moments such as disease, death of loved ones, decisions, that led you down the wrong path… this shows that your friendship is really strong and her love is unconditional.

Photo: Omar Lopez/Unsplash

9. Plan a future together

If you notice that you and your friend are chatting a lot, how about you? dating took place in old age, how will they be, if of course they are not yet in this part of life, each other presented their chosen ones, how they will be your children best friends… it means that you take your friendship seriously and want to remain a part of each other's lives.

10. You feel comfortable even in silence

Even at the beginning of friendships, we have all found ourselves in a situation where it arose uncomfortable silence and we had no idea what to say to interrupt her. If this is not happening to you and your friend and instead they enjoy each other's company even in silence and when nothing is happening, it shows that this friendship fills you with security and pleasant feelings.

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