
10 things good moms do

Photo: Tima Mroshnichenko/Pexels

It is likely that every woman took on the role of mother with certain expectations and beliefs about how she would look - with the idea of being a good mother. Part of these expectations and hopes are the result of the pressures of our environment. Friends, family, media - all these are external factors that more or less influence our lives

Because of all of the above, sometimes difficult to follow one's own and other people's performances about how we should behave if we want the label of "good mother". There are different lists that define a good mother. Some of them say that a good mother spends every moment with her children, that they are endlessly patient, cook a good lunch, clean the house. Forget about these and similar lists. Good moms though they are also something else. Below we have selected ten things that really good mothers do.

Parents often worry about whether they are raising their children correctly and whether they are good enough as parents.
Photo: Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

1. Good moms make mistakes and are not ashamed to admit they were wrong.

2. They are there for their children when they need them.

3. They teach their children the importance of self-respect.

4. They give their children room to make mistakes and learn from them.

5. Good mothers "abandon" their children. Maybe not often, maybe not for long, but they have their own activities that don't involve children. They have time for themselves.

6. Good mothers take care of themselves.

7. They treat others with respect and thus set the best possible example for their children.

8. Good moms have bad days too.

9. They respect each other.

10. Good mothers tell their children they love them.

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