
10 things every woman needs to know about the male brain: the last one is unexpected!

Men's brains change tremendously throughout life and present a contrary picture to the common belief that men only have sex on their minds!

What should all women know about the male brain?

1. Men want stability

It is commonly said that women are the ones who want to settle down and men are the ones who want to go wild and have fun all their lives. However, after the age of 30, men are mainly focused on work and taking care of the family. Of course, some men have a harder time committing than others…

2. Who is the boss?

An unstable hierarchy can cause anxiety in a larger number of men. A clearly defined "chain" of command, such as is practiced in the military or in multiple workplaces, lowers testosterone levels and limits aggression in men.

So, hoe in hand. 🙂

3. Fatherhood changes hormones

Men's brains become especially primed for cooperation in the months before they become fathers. Hormonal changes occur in men during this period - prolactin levels increase and testosterone levels decrease, which encourages parental behavior.


4. Older men's brains are cool

Men compete for women and status when they are younger, but in later years cooperation and companionship come to the fore. Many studies have even shown that older men are not interested in any kind of competition. Instead, they are more attracted to the connections and improvement of the community in which they live.

5. Father and game - a great combination

The specific way fathers and children play (spontaneity, teasing, etc.) can help children learn better, be more confident and ready for the real world. Fathers who play an active parenting role also have lower testosterone levels, making them more stable and satisfied members of society.

6. Defense of the territory

One of men's tasks, if we speak from the point of view of evolution, is to defend one's territory. Although women also have a possessive side, men can become violent when someone threatens their love life or territory.


7. Staring at women is inevitable!

Testosterone "disrupts" the part of the brain that is responsible for controlling impulses in men as much as six times more than in women. This will explain to you why men stare at women - it happens automatically, and the proof of this is that very often they forget about their woman when she is not in their field of vision.

8. Focused on solutions

Although most studies show that women are more sensitive than men, this is not entirely true or accurate. The male brain reacts the same way when someone is in a stressful situation or in trouble. However, men will pay more attention to how to solve the problem than where to look for a shoulder to cry on.

9. They are sensitive to loneliness - living with a woman is therapeutic for them

Loneliness affects men more than women because they are less ready to socialize and make new friendships. Because of this, living with a woman is actually very rewarding and in a way therapeutic.


10. They are more emotional!

Men have much stronger emotional reactions, but only before they are aware of their feelings. Men learn to hide their emotions, as most cultures believe that only mollusks show emotions.

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