
10 things that make the lover every woman dreams of

Photo: IG @999chanel999

Don't believe anyone who tells you that such men only exist in your imagination…

What makes a male dream lover? See if yours also has these 10 qualities.

1. Whenever you suggest something new and different, he always gladly accepts the challenge and tries his best to please you.

2. When he kisses you, he doesn't shove his tongue down your throat like some 13-year-old who just found his first girl to kiss. He kisses sensually and passionately and with a lot of attention.

3. In his company, you never doubt whether you are attractive or not. On the contrary, he tries to show you how much he adores you, from head to toe, in every possible way.

4. With it you can relax to the maximum, be yourself and enjoy yourself.

5. When you are having a hard time, when you are in a bad mood or just tired of everything, he is full of understanding. And even in bed, he has the same understanding of you and your needs.


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6. When you tell him that some of his actions and habits bother you, he stops doing them right then and there and never does them again.

7. He radiates confidence and you enjoy seeing that he is not afraid or ashamed to do something that would "endanger his masculinity".

8. It always remembers things that are important to you, like how your job interview went. He will ask you about anything you talk to him about and offer his advice or at least an ear and a shoulder to cry on.

9. He makes you happy with little things that you would never think someone would give you. And yet, they excite you because, no matter how small they are, they are the best possible indicator of how much he knows you and how much he cares about you.

10. It's not a problem for him to spend hours and hours cuddling with you in silence, just because you need it at that moment. When you think about it, you can't actually think of anything he wouldn't do because you asked him to.


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