
10 things to focus on when you feel like your life is falling apart

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." - Elbert Hubbard

Life isn't always pretty. It's full of twists and turns and nasty drops. You feel like it will never get better.

What can you do to get out of such moments as soon as possible?

1. Focus on the good

Are you only focusing on the bad things in your life that you are experiencing at the moment? Take a break from the bad and remember the good and appreciate the good. Think about the small victories that you would normally celebrate. Do something you love, maybe eat a piece of chocolate and smile.

2. Bad things are absolutely inevitable

No matter how prepared you think you are, or how many times you've checked to make sure everything is in order, sooner or later you're going to make a mistake, it's human. Bad things will happen because most of the bad things that happen in your life are out of your control.

3. Move on

Tell yourself everything will be fine and it will be, but it might take a while. But when things don't go the way you wanted, don't wait, move on.

4. Remember to breathe

Breathe in and breathe out, everything will be fine. Light some candles, meditate and relax. Taking even one minute out of your day won't slow down the process of life, but it could be exactly what your mental health needs. A moment to yourself.

5. Don't forget who you are

Don't get lost in bad times. Be in control of situations, do everything to make the bad go away as soon as possible. You deserve some ease. Don't push away people who are trying to help you during these times and don't tear down bridges. Keep your positive natural mindset.

6. Look for lessons

See what you can learn from the mistakes you've made along the way. Use these lessons to motivate you and share them with the people around you so that they don't have to go through the same stress that you are. Use the lessons to be smarter next time, or so that next time - never comes again.

7. Bad things happen to everyone

This is the truth, you are by no means the only person going through hard times, remember that. Sometimes you feel like the whole world is against you, but it's not. There are people around you who are going through much worse times than you. Look at yourself and the world around you. Do you realize how beautiful yours really is?

8. You can be stressed

Just because others are having a hard time doesn't make your problems any less important. They are important to you. This is why you have such strong feelings of doubt in your mind because you just want everything to work out. And it will, believe me.

9. Your reaction can make or break you

How you react in difficult times tells what kind of person you are. You can sit and be angry about what happened, you can cry, you can look for sympathy, or you can act like things will never get better. But you can stand up and do something about it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and take action. Make the best you can out of the situation. Take advantage of the situation you are in and improve it to the best of your ability.

10. Remember that bad things always pass

Do you remember when ________? Fill in the blank with whatever it was. For example, when your car suddenly broke down, or when you did something wrong. Do you still remember how important and terrible it was to you then? Think how little it means in your life now.

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