
10 tips that will help introverted people to function more easily in extroverted society

Think about the people who make up your social circles.

The terms "networking", "chatting" and "new people" are a nightmare for introverts. We live in a world that is too difficult to be extroverted, and sometimes this presents a real challenge to maintain an active social life and still find enough time for ourselves. Here are 10 tips that will help even more extreme introverts find a way to keep themselves and at the same time become more socially active.

10. Consider the people who make up your social circles.

You don't need to have hundreds of friends in your contacts to feel socially active. A handful of supportive and true friends is enough to create any kind of social life you want. These friends will understand your need to be away from time to time. Less is more.

9. Don't play the popular guy or girl.

If being the center of attention makes you uncomfortable and awkward, there's no need to do it. That doesn't mean you're boring or weird. It just means that you don't pretend to be someone else for the sake of entertaining the company around you. You are what you are.

8. Skip the chatter.

Unless there is a serious, but really serious reason to do so, skip all the unnecessary talk about the weather. Instead, ask questions and show interest in what the other person is saying. This will alleviate any initial awkwardness you may have felt at first.

7. Be yourself!

Sometimes an introverted personality leads you to lie about who and what you are. Be honest, don't hide behind others and suit them just to be friends. Everyone respects sincerity and individuality - whether you are an introvert or not.

Be who you are!
Be who you are!

6. It's okay to know how to say no.

When you're feeling overwhelmed and need some time for yourself, share it with others without shame or guilt. Don't do things just because everyone else is doing them.

5. Connect with other introverts.

This seems like a logical proposition, although many introverts hang around in more extroverted circles because they feel the need to be surrounded by them because that's what society basically supports. But you have the right to be shy. Take responsibility for it and examine what it really means in your life to connect with like-minded people. You won't regret it.

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4. Find your social edge.

An introverted person feels most at home. Stepping out of your comfort zone in search of adventure and friendship can be a scary and big step, but it doesn't have to be. Find your edge and explore it. You are responsible for a comfortable exit.

3. Talk about your fears.

Communicate with others about your fears, it will have a therapeutic effect on you. Whether you confide in a close friend or just a colleague, it will open your soul. It doesn't matter what the topic of conversation is, the important thing is that you start talking and feel comfortable doing it.

2. Suggest new ways of socializing.

If you don't like going to clubs (and you know you've tried), suggest a new venue or activity that's more to your liking. There are certainly friends in your group who will accept your offer and try something new with you.

1. Never apologize.

Being an introvert is not something to apologize for. It's your personality. And it's really great. If you're proud and confident about it, your extroverted friends will see it too, and you'll realize that the only person judging you is yourself.

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