
10 tricks to become much more charismatic

Anyone can be charismatic, which means that charisma is not a gift, but something that can be learned. How to become more charismatic is therefore not conditioned by the level of success, how we dress, what we know and how we present ourselves. Charisma is what we do, it is the magnetism, the vibrations we give off and the projector of inner qualities that are mirrored through outer appearance. But what to do if you want to become more charismatic? More on that below.

Become more charismatic is everyone's wish. Just think of that friend who makes you happy just by being there. Which just glows and constantly emits positive vibes. They say that the perception of a person depends more on charisma than on appearance. And charisma is not some mysterious potion, like the one for Asterix, reserved only for the chosen ones. Charisma is hidden in gestures, facial expressions, voice, even in a dress. It is the result of inner balance and harmony.

Hugh Laurie is not only Dr. House, but also Dr. charisma.
Hugh Laurie is not only Dr. House, but also Dr. charisma.

Charisma is hard to define and we often say that some people just have it. A natural charisma it is a limited resource because we know that the more you know someone, the less you appreciate them. But some people have the ability to maintain charisma over time. They maintain excellent relations, they have a positive influence on the people around them and give them a sense of importance throughout. Who doesn't want that kind of person by their side and who doesn't want to be that person themselves? If you lack charisma, we've got you covered some tips, how to upgrade it.

Listen more, talk less

We have people two ears and one mouth with a reason - to talk less and listen more. So ask, make eye contact, smile, nod, answer. Do the latter non-verbally rather than verbally. And that's all you need to do to make a person feel important. Be a patient listener. When you speak, don't waste your words giving advice unless it's asked for. Listening it is worth much more than having a solution for everything. Because in many cases, when you share advice, you shift the focus to yourself.

READ MORE: What is love?

Don't listen selectively

Think about it. Do you know someone who does anything but listen attentively while speaking? For example, turns away answers very generally and unconvincingly, he looks at the phone, he is "in his own movie"... I guess he is. These are people who consider themselves to be something more than those they are talking to, and who they only listen with one ear. But these people are not charismatic. Charismatic people listen carefully to everyone, regardless of his social status, skin color, religion..., and this in a way that gives the feeling that they have something in common with the interlocutor.

Be an attentive listener

Don't let your smartphone "breaks into speech" while you are talking, also do not look at the computer or TV screen during this time. Just concentrate on the conversation, because you will never be able to really connect with someone if you have "one foot" somewhere else. Give the interlocutor your full attention. It's a gift worth its weight in gold that few give.

Oprah Winfrey is considered one of the most charismatic people.
Oprah Winfrey is considered one of the most charismatic people.

Give, but don't expect anything in return

Human relations they are not a business, they are not a bargain, they are not a natural exchange. At least they weren't supposed to be. Charismatic people are like that they give out and they expect nothing in return. If so, expect to return home empty-handed. But more than that, it's important to focus on what you can do you give to others. This is the only way you will build a really strong bond and get something in return the most beautiful gift. Respect and gratitude of the interlocutor.

Don't be cocky…

The only people who are excited about conceited, conceited and haughty people, they are conceited, conceited and haughty people. The others did not.

… because others are more important than you

We know what we know. We know what our options are, what our perspective is, and what kind view of the world. All this is not important because we already own it. You can't learn anything from yourself that way. But what we don't know is what other people know and everyone, no matter who they are, he knows things we don't. This automatically makes them smarter than us, because they can learn something let's learn.

Share the praise

Let the interlocutors receive enough praise and encouragement. What? You do not know what good they have done. But that was your homework, to find out about the person. Because not only will others appreciate your praise, they will appreciate the very fact that you care for them Mar.

Do you have the charisma of Jay Gatsby?
Do you have the charisma of Jay Gatsby?

Choice of words and perspective

Choose your words carefully, because they are like a boomerang. Namely, the choice of words affects behavior of others and the behavior of others affects you. It's the same with perspective. You are not going to a meeting, but somewhere where you will meet others. You don't have to go to the gym because you're going to do something for your health and body. You are not going to the presentation. You're going to share really cool ideas with others. And you don't have to interview job candidates. You are choosing a great person to join your team. So it is important point of view and a choice of words that help others feel better too.

Don't spread rumours

Let's face it. We all like to hear some kind of rumor chencho. The problem is that we don't like, and above all, we don't respect people who They spread the "pig" around. Don't laugh at others, because then those present will wonder if you don't also laugh at them with a different line-up.

Admit your mistakes

Charisma and performance they are not interdependent. It may feel that way, but when the spotlight goes off, some stars have the charisma of a rock. Be humble and admit your mistakes. Show that they were a good school, that you took them as lessons, not as something you have to hide from others and of which you are immensely ashamed. Acknowledge them, put up with them, because only then no one will be able to use them against you. So let them be your weapon and not a weapon against you. And only this makes it possible to implement the next tip. Laugh even to yourself, because then others will laugh with you and not at you.

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