A person's narcissism manifests itself in different ways and in different forms. These ten forms of dangerous narcissism will help you determine whether a person belongs to this type of people.
Awareness of which person is a narcissist, can help you with setting healthy boundaries, with which you can protect yourself against frustrating, confused or manipulative the behavior of people with narcissism.
There are many forms of narcissism, but here it is 10 most common.
Narcissists have a fear of being seen by others unsuccessful, so they have to play that they are perfect. While many people can be perfectionists, narcissists differ in that they are very obsessed with perfectionism and achieving perfection.
Narcissists pretend to be victims, in order to gain attention. They complain about their health and complain that they lack happiness, love and wealth. If others suggest solutions to these problems, so be it ignore or reject their suggestions. They prefer to complain rather than solve their problems. Their apparent fragility or fragile temperament affects the people around them in such a measure that they have to be constantly careful about what they say.
They are manipulative narcissists mysterious and indirect – they send double messages and are passive-aggressive. They want to control information and get others into bad mood.
Daffodils they threaten and torture people to the point of getting them into bad mood. They bully and are verbal, sometimes physical dangerous to others. They try to make others feel good about themselves.
Narcissists are afraid uncertainties or errors, so they must be sure of every thing. They see things in black and white, but they don't like questions. They treat different opinions as threats.
They are afraid disturbance or sensation, that they don't have things under control. So obsessive they control events, surroundings and other people. Because of this, they can compulsive. When things don't go according to plan, they become insecure.
They are narcissists pessimistic, nothing can impress them, they ruin the big moments of others and try to put them in a bad mood. Because they feel miserable in your own skin, they gain power by inflicting pain on others.
Daffodils cause chaos, if they are lacking attention – in this way they get it and keep their balance. Their messiness and inconsistency can be unfounded.
Narcissists want to achieve satisfaction by preaching to others what they should do and how to live. They rarely listen, but constantly want to have the audience.
Daffodils are in charming to the public, but outraged when relations unfold for behind closed doors. They often betray others if this betrayal benefits them. Their dual nature hides them: when people oppose them, they become charming or blame others for everything.