
10 Types of Men You Always Find on Dating Sites!

When "he" is just one click away from you.

Online dating provides access to a larger number of potential partners that you would not otherwise meet in real life. In the beginning, it's all rather impersonal, as you can choose and reject people like products in a store. Any rejection hurts, even this one. So, be careful who you trust and send your photos to, because you never know what the person on the other end of the computer/phone is really like.

If you have already become involved in such correspondence, decide on a live date as soon as possible. Communicating online is something completely different from personal contact when you get to know a person, touch them, listen to them...

And what kinds of men do you find with online dating?

A man just looking for fun

You won't get anything from him other than sex. In the photo, it is usually without. When you start writing to each other, the first thing he writes to you is: "How beautiful are you? Are you coming to my place for dinner?” He doesn't care about anything but your looks and how he can get you into bed ASAP. And when you surrender to him, he will answer your questions briefly and never ask what is going on in your life. If they are far from each other, he will not drive to you, but will suggest that you drive to him if you want to enjoy his company. If you decline the first meeting with him, he might go out of his way to meet you for a coffee or two, but once he gets you into bed, he'll suddenly become unavailable. If you are looking for sex without obligation, he is the right address for it! If you want a relationship, forget about it and just run away!

A man who is new to online dating

He doesn't have any plans. He doesn't know how online dating even works. His online description is empty or says too much about him. When it writes to you, it will work rigid and careful, as he still wonders why he would ever trust details about himself to strangers online. He may be a nice man, but he doesn't know what he wants, what he's looking for. Until he decides if he wants something serious or just for fun, he's not worth your effort.

A romantic man

He has the soul of a poet. He believes in love. The online description contains quotes. In the photo, he is hugging a dog, a cat or meditating. He will call you at midnight or as soon as you get home from your first date to hear your voice and say good night. When they're on a date, he'll talk about how astrologically compatible they are. You're not sure what you feel when you he talks about how his intuition tells him that they are made for each other. He doesn't force you to have sex because he respects you. He'll write to you all day if you let him. But he's not patient enough to get to know you, he immediately puts on his romantic glasses, and all he sees is one big romance that will never end. If you want a crazy romantic relationship - then this is your man.

For him, love is a romantic adventure that lasts forever.
For him, love is a romantic adventure that lasts forever.

A middle-aged adventurer

Go to the hills. Board. It's running. He is over 40 and likely in midlife crisis. His teal hair is charming. He might have a photo with his niece, his dog, or both. He wants you to think he likes kids. He has never been married and is not looking for a serious relationship either. Perhaps you will meet him and hope that you have found in him a mature person who respects good conversation and company, or at least someone with whom you can go for a walk. But he's just another immature older man, a middle-aged kid.

A divorced, vulnerable man

He is in a whirlwind of emotions. Lonely, horny and just wants someone to be with him. He wants to feel that he is worthy of a relationship, but he doesn't want any kind of relationship, he just wants sex. This is his time of confusion. He ended a long-term relationship and is confused about how to behave on a date (unless he cheated in the relationship). The last time he was on a date, he was with his ex-partner, who of course he didn't meet online. Get ready for long conversations about his past relationship, about his ex-partner. He may be a perfectly normal man, but still processing the old relationship, what happened, who is to blame... He will probably only be looking for one-night stands or someone to get too attached to. He is vulnerable. Take care of yourself.

A man who cheats

He will not post a photo of his face and will ask for discretion in his description. This man is cheating on his wife, his partner, for him cheating is not something that happens but his lifestyle. It is planned. Organized. On purpose. Looking for a casual relationship only. Sex.

A rich older man

He doesn't hide what he wants. He thinks so money can buy anything, you too.

A divorced, vulnerable man is in a whirlwind of emotions. Lonely, horny and just wants someone to be with him.
A divorced, vulnerable man is in a whirlwind of emotions. Lonely, horny and just wants someone to be with him.

A man playing a tourist

He is visiting the city. It will be there just a few nights and he doesn't want to spend that time alone. If his profile says he's on vacation, that's it, you can become his tour guide with benefits. If you don't refuse him, he will write to you every day, because he doesn't know anyone there but you. Don't expect it to last; when he goes home, all trace of him will be lost.

A confused, lost man

This man needs to take a step back from dating and get his life together. He will present himself to you as very responsible, dedicated and committed, but when you get to know him better, you will discover his confusion, full of questions about trust, intimacy … Has a lot of baggage from previous relationships. Maybe he's still living with his ex, or he'll call her after 10 minutes of your date.

A devoted man

You hardly notice him because is not exposed. He may be a little older, detached, a little romantic. His priorities are clear, he is online to get more than casual sex. He is looking for a life partner. When he sends you a message, he will try very hard. He will invite you to coffee, not to the sauna. Of course he wants to sleep with you, but he won't pressure you, he won't force you to do things you don't like. If you two break up, it will be because he won't see you in the future, not because he's using you for sex. He knows that building a relationship with someone takes effort, and he's not afraid of it. Although he was wounded, he did not lose hope. This man is for you!

You don't notice all this on the profile, the web hides all the dysfunctions of different types of men. You have to meet the person live as soon as possible. Observe all the described signs and run away if necessary - far, far away.

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