
10+ unexpected facts about the female body that they don't even know

Women are wonderful creatures and we have our genes to thank for that too! Here are 10+ unexpected facts about the female body that we women don't even know.

Women were, are and will remain secret. Nevertheless, science allows us to discover some of their unique properties. For all those of you who thought that basically we are all the same and that the difference between the sexes is not that big, we have collected 14 strange facts about the female body, made by goddesses.

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Women always surprise.
Women always surprise.
  • To women the heart beats faster like men. (source: references.com)
  • Women they burn fat more slowly than men, by about 50 calories per day. (source: cathe.com)
  • Women have stronger immune system. (source: pnas.org)
  • The diameter of a woman's hair is twice as small as the diameter of a man's hair. (source: monkmed.com)
  • Women have it on their tongue more receptors for sweet things, than men have them. (source: health.howstuffworks.com)
  • Women have several sensory receptors, so they experience stronger pain. (source: livescience.com)
  • Women distinguish between colors better like a man. Namely, color sensitivity is directly related to X chromosomes (source: news.nationalgeographic.com)
  • Women they blink twice as much like a man. (source: factalerts.com)
  • It's a woman's skin ten times more sensitive like a man. (source: jneurosci.org)
  • Women already are genetically more mobile, as are mobile men. (source: references.com)
  • Women a lot they perceive high-frequency sound more easily like a man. (source: skeptics.stackexchange.com)
  • 30 percent of women have it during pregnancy appetite for otherwise unpalatable things. (source: americanpregnancy.org)
  • Women on average they cry from 30 to 64 times a year, while men cry from 6 to 17 times a year. (source: dailymail.co.uk)
  • Women since birth they smell better like a man. (source: dailymail.co.uk)

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