
10 unforgettable films related to autumn

Is there any time more picturesque than autumn? Because of the special colors that accompany the movie scene, many romantic comedies are set in this time of year.

Romantic movie scenes set in autumn time, when in New York the leaves on the trees, just the right color, are already considered a "cliché".

READ MORE: The 100 Most Iconic Movie Scenes of All Time

Long romantic walks in the park among autumn leaves and the first feelings of a cool breeze while sitting on wooden benches, or an unforgettable scene of a plastic bag dancing from a top movie American Beauty ("American Beauty") remind us that summer is over and that we melancholy autumn is slowly preparing for the imminent winter, which is already around the corner.

You can see a selection of 10 films where autumn almost got a "side role" in many unforgettable scenes in the gallery

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