
10 unusual and unique ways to travel

Are you also one of those who want to travel a little more unusual and unique than what is just forced upon us? We would certainly like some kind of trip outside the established methods. Although some of these methods are still waiting for the "first steps", we must admit that they are all quite unique.

1. A cursed ocean liner planning a comeback in 2018

Replica of the legendary passenger ship Titanic expected to sail in 2018. Australian mining billionaire Clive Palmer and his Blue Star Line Company revealed plans at a press conference in New York in 2013 Titanic II. The replica should drive along the same route, as the original, should be transported 2600 passengers in 850 cabins and don't worry - they promise enough lifeboats. It is rumored that wealthy future passengers have offered up to 800,000 euros for a ride on a replica of the Titanic.

Titanic replica - Titanic II.
Titanic replica - Titanic II.

2. Angels Fight - a funicular railway known as "the shortest railway in the world"

Angels Fight - "the shortest railway in the world".
Angels Fight - "the shortest railway in the world".

Angels Fight, located in downtown Los Angeles, is a self-proclaimed "the shortest railway in the world". The journey is 96 meters long and takes just thirty seconds – but Angels Fight carries more passengers per kilometer than any other railway in the world, making it not only the shortest in length, but also the most traveled. It was built in 1901 and has carried millions of passengers around Bunker Hill. In 1969, its operation was stopped and its functionality was adapted solely to the commercialization of the field. It was reopened in 1996. A serious accident that killed one passenger and injured several others caused it to be out of service again in 2001 until 2013, when after a brief opening due to a derailment (although no one was injured) it ceased operations once more . Negotiations are currently underway to resume operations.

3. Rail transport that encourages writers with free rides

Amtrak - writers can secure a free ride.
Amtrak – Writers can secure a free ride.

That's right! Amtrak offers some lucky ones to they go on a long trip for free and write in the meantime or they are working on their novels, short stories, etc. Textbooks are so easy in a private sleeping car – with a table, a bed and a window through which they can find inspiration in the American landscape.

In 2014, Amtrak received more than 16,000 requests for free rides. 115 semi-finalists were chosen, 24 of them will be rewarded with a casual ride and possible creative inspirations in 2015.

4. A zeppelin that could change the experience of flight

Aeroscraft is currently in the testing phase.
Aeroscraft is currently in the testing phase.

Until the 1937 Hindenburg tragedy, zeppelins promised a bright future in air transport. Unfortunately, they disappeared for 75 years, but now they are ready to return. Aerocraft, designed by the company Worldwide Aeros Corp with the help of a grant from the US government, is currently in the testing phase and will be available in mid-2015.

It was built with the help of innovative technology that allows control over the vessel better from previous models. It can take off and land easily no runway (also vertical), but it uses about a third of the fuel that a cargo plane uses in principle, which makes it suitable for war zones and disaster zones.

5. A “hippy” bus that offers a sense of community

Green Tortoise - "hippy" bus.
Green Tortoise – "hippy" bus.

Bus Green Tortoise from San Francisco, during its thirty years of operation, it transported more than 15 thousand passengers to Yosemite, Alaska, Yucatan, Baja, New York, West National Parks, Seattle and New Orleans. And cheap.

The buses are adapted so that passengers can adjust their space according to their own wishes and they sleep on bunk beds, while the bus is moving. Most of the trips take place at night, so the new stop can be enjoyed during the day. The passengers' kitchen is also shared. Travelers thus give up privacy, personal space and showers for a sense of community and in the hope of long-term friendships.

READ MORE: Google Street View: the most interesting locations to visit

6. Let's go to space!

Space tourism is getting closer every day.
Space tourism is getting closer every day.

buckle up space tourism is always more realistic - American businessman Dennis Tito flew into space aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket, this trip was followed by several others until Space Adventures stopped its program due to space constraints between the crew of astronauts and cosmonauts.

Here are some options for the space traveler: xcor Aerospace (75 thousand euros per person, test flights started already this year), World View Enterprises (59 thousand euros per person), Virgin Galactic (196 thousand euros per person), Mars One Project (free ride, but… say goodbye to Earth, you will live on Mars. The first volunteers set off in 2023.)

7. A film studio that allows passengers to relive the golden age of air travel

Pan Am and the Golden Age of Air Transport.
Pan Am and the Golden Age of Air Transport.

Sometimes a journey doesn't necessarily need a real destination to evoke a feeling. Those you may remember the golden age of air transport (1960s and 1970s), or you want to experience it at least once, you can now buy a ticket for a glamorous Pan Am flight and you pretend to be part of the glitz. Air Hollywood, a film studio based in Los Angeles, created a scene that mimics the Pan Am of the early 1970s. The project, known as The Pan Am Experience, is available once a month and allows anyone to for 233 euros spend a few hours "traveling".

8. Dancing on the subway in New York

Subway dancers in New York.
Subway dancers in New York.

While traveling by subway is nothing new or unusual, what happens during the ride can be. An undesirable activity for the locals, but quite a favorite for tourists - dancing on the subway is a unique moment. You just have to catch him before the city authorities do. Such activities are prohibited while driving.

9. An underwater railway that will connect China and the United States

The start of the construction of an underwater railway, which should connect China and the United States.
The start of the construction of an underwater railway, which should connect China and the United States.

China is taking bold, if not impossible, steps in building a railway tracks under water, which should – at least in theory – connect China and the USA. The Chinese are thinking of starting in the northeast of the country, through eastern Siberia and across the Bering Strait, and then build 202 kilometer long underwater tunnel to Alaska. "China-Russia-Canada-America" should be long 13 thousand kilometers, which is almost 3000 kilometers more than the Trans-Siberian Railway. China insists it has the technology and resources to carry out the project.

10. The elevator that will send people (and cargo) into space in 2050

The elevator that will take us into space in 2050.
The elevator that will take us into space in 2050.

Japanese construction giant, Obayashi Corporation, announced this year that it has the funds to build it space elevator, which should start operating in 2050. The company said the elevator will reach 96 thousand kilometers into space and used robot cars to transport cargo, which will be powered by magnetic linear motors. People and cargo will or will (who knows?) travel to not yet built space station. At Obayashi Corporation, they hope to reduce the cost and danger of space travel by rocket.

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