
10 ways to ward off health problems with honey

In medicine, honey is said to act as an antibiotic and is particularly effective in the treatment of infections and colds in the mouth, throat and respiratory tract. Let's see what else we can use it for, and what health problems it will help us eliminate.

Here are 10 of the sweetest and gentlest ways to treat common health problems. Medicinal honey will help us fight acne, bad breath, dry hair and colds this fall.

1. To fight a sore throat

A mixture of honey, herbs and citrus fruits reliably cures a sore throat, as it relieves inflammation and drives away bacteria.

2. Sugar and honey scrub

With a sweet mixture of sugar and honey, we gently remove dead cells and thus allow the skin to be fresh and shiny after applying the peel.

Sugar and honey scrub.
Sugar and honey scrub.

3. Goodbye impure skin

A mask made of yogurt and honey helps fight acne, because the probiotics found in yogurt help soothe inflammation and restore the skin's natural pH balance, and honey contributes to faster healing of wounds and also helps with inflammation.

4. Help with colds

It cures colds if consumed several times a day in combination with cinnamon.

Honey is an effective remedy against colds.
Honey is an effective remedy against colds.

5. Say goodbye to anxiety

Add a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of nutmeg to a glass of orange juice. The potion will drive away all signs of anxiety.

6. Honey banishes nicotine cravings

If we are quitting cigarettes, the combination of pineapple and honey will help us in this.

7. Solution for poor circulation

A teaspoon of cinnamon, a teaspoon of honey and our favorite tea blend will speed up poor circulation.

8. Remedy for eczema

Honey has a special healing power, as it also cures skin eczema. Add cinnamon to the honey and apply to the problem area. After a few treatments, we will notice a visible improvement.

9. Toothpaste

Add cinnamon, lemon juice and baking soda to the honey. Brush your teeth and tongue with the resulting mixture and say goodbye to bad breath.

10. Hair mask

Add the yolk, which is full of proteins, to the honey and feed your hair with the mixture, which will shine beautifully after the honey therapy.

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