
10 ways to travel cheaply and see more

For many people, traveling is one of the greatest pleasures imaginable in every way. The problem arises when it comes to finances. The list of countries to visit or revisit is almost endless, and our wallets (at least for the 99% population) are limited. Here are 10 ways to travel on the cheap. If you try to apply all these tips, you might be able to see some extra part of the world.

These are 10 ways to travel on the cheap. Individually, they don't make a big difference, but together they can have a significant impact on how much money we spend on our next trip. 

Don't forget about unforeseen expenses.

What the price of the trip will be does not depend only on the price of plane tickets, accommodation and food. Certain situations offer a whole bunch of adventures at a low price, and in some parts of the world they charge for practically every move and look. Don't forget to factor these costs into your financial plan. 

Traveling by train, bus or car.

Traveling by other means of transport, such as airplanes, is often cheaper. Above all, it is necessary to make sure that your financial plan also includes transportation to and from the airport in the price, which can make your trip considerably more expensive in some destinations. 

Traveling to nearby places can be just as exciting.
Traveling to nearby places can be just as exciting.


Free accommodation for a night or two can be obtained through the website for couchsurfing. It is a community of people who offer free lodging to travelers, and in return, you are of course welcome to offer a similar service to those who pass by your home. 


Travel agencies and online providers often offer packages that are often cheaper than organizing on your own.

Different packages can often be very affordable.
Different packages can often be very affordable.


Following hotels and travel agencies on social networks

Following hotels, resorts and travel agencies on social networks sometimes pays off in the form of a coupon or promotional discount code. 

Avoid tourist destinations.

Even the birds on the branches are whistling about the first rule of the market: the price rises with the increase in demand. Avoid tourist destinations, as these are certainly the most expensive, but also the least authentic. 

Last minute reservations

This rule doesn't always apply, but it's still worth trying here and there. Buying plane tickets or accommodation at the last minute is often more advantageous. 

He walks in big cities.

If you are traveling to big cities, you can avoid additional costs by moving around the city on foot. Otherwise, it can be quite tiring, but it's also the best way to discover hidden corners and get a feel for the pulse of the city. 

You can get to know the city best on foot.
You can get to know the city best on foot.

Make a list of restaurants.

Hunger can sometimes blind us and we forget to pay attention to money. To avoid such situations, make a list of good restaurants that you will visit in advance. 

Travel with a group.

Travel together with friends. If there are more of you, your trip will be more fun, safer, and the cost per person will be lower. If the group is large enough, you can apply a group discount in many places. 

Traveling with friends can be cheaper.
Traveling with friends can be cheaper.

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