
10+ Totally Bizarre But Scientifically Confirmed Pregnancy Facts

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for many mothers-to-be, which also includes many unusual symptoms, emotional outbursts and crazy desires. In addition to fatigue, stretch marks, sleep problems... here are a bunch of other bizarre but scientifically confirmed facts about pregnancy.

Psychological the changes with which encountered by every pregnant woman, are expected, since they serve as preparation to a new role in life. And every woman faces them in a different way. This is also the case with physical changes, which cannot be avoided - in addition to stretch marks, excess water, weaknesses, fatigue ..., about which the vast majority of expectant mothers complain, there are many more other changes, which are shrouded in mystery. It's time to realize how interesting it can be evolutionary world!


1. Nipple stimulation is said to be a scientifically proven method that can be used by a woman who is about to expire contractions. The hormone is supposed to be released oxytocin, which has a beneficial effect on the initiation of labor. This method is called "comfort method".

2. Pregnancy lasts approx 280 days, with a slight upward or downward deviation. The longest recorded pregnancy is said to last 12 months and 10 days.

3. Children are said to be in the womb tasted the food, which the mother is. One study is proved, that you can strong flavors enter the baby through the amniotic sac.

4. It should be from the second trimester onwards children urinated in the womb. In one day they can eliminate up to liter of urine, which then allegedly they are sleeping. In principle, the amniotic sac should represent sterile urine.

5. The baby in the womb also produces mud, which has the scientific name "meconium/baby pitch". The development of this human need should begin after 21st week of pregnancy. Just after birth, the baby should also eliminated.

A baby in the womb supposedly produces stool.
A baby in the womb supposedly produces stool.

6. A pregnant woman or a new mother should automatically lactating, when he hears a child's cry, even if the child is not hers.

7. Girls are supposed to be born with all eggs, while boys begin to supposedly produce sperm during puberty.

8. Rabbits, dogs, pigs, whales and humans begin to develop from an egg that is same size (0.2 millimeters).

9. On each one 2000 the child should gave birth to one child with a tooth.

10. Newborn babies supposedly cry even in uterus. Scientists namely, they measured the way on which the child breathes in the womb and they realized that their "crying" is not necessarily connected to the fact that they are awakened, but practice for life outside the womb.

11. During pregnancy, a woman's uterus is said to be more than 500 times larger, as it is otherwise.

12. A pregnant woman who is about to expire should produced such amounts of estrogen, as produced by a non-pregnant woman, in three years.

A woman's uterus is said to be stronger than a professional bodybuilder.
A woman's uterus is said to be stronger than a professional bodybuilder.

13. During pregnancy, not only does new life grow in your belly, but a new organ is formed, which scientists call placenta. In Latin it means cake, where it probably comes from the trend of tasting one's own placenta.

14. It is supposed to be a woman's womb stronger than a professional bodybuilder. Every contraction is the same 180 kilograms of pressure, which a woman feels during childbirth.

15. The oldest woman to give birth to a child was aged 66 years. In 2006, she was born as a Spaniard gave birth to twins, which were created with artificially fertilization. She died of cancer three years later.

16. Yours voice can supposedly change during pregnancy. Hormonal changes are said to affect "swelling" of the vocal cords, which return to normal after delivery.

17. A baby should be in the third trimester recognized his mother's voice. Later, in the womb, it should even respond to external voices.

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