
106 years ago, a newspaper announced this change, but people ignored it

Global warming, which is the result of human behavior and refers to an increase in the average temperature on Earth, has not occurred in the last 20 years. The causes of this phenomenon go back a long way into the past.

It turns out that people already knew more than a century ago that their actions contribute to gradual destruction of the Earth and atmosphere.

This is the newspaper in which they predicted global weather changes.
This is the newspaper in which they predicted global weather changes.

This is evidenced, among other things, by a note from New Zealand newspapers "Rodney and Otamatea Times", "The Waitemata" and "Kaipara Gazette”, which was released in August last year 1912. The article shows that people at the beginning of the 20th century correctly predicted the future. That is why it is all the more unusual that we have not dealt with this environmental problem before.

A newspaper clipping predicting global warming
A newspaper clipping predicting global warming

The author of the article wrote that approx 2 billion tons of coal. As a result, it is released into the atmosphere 7 billion tons of carbon dioxide. As a result, it occurs depletion of the ozone layer, which we will be able to feel on our skin in the following centuries.

But why didn't we act earlier?

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