


Important information
city center, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.



Free entry enters its second decade this year!

The Admission free festival is an urban manifestation of artists, artistic events, performances, actions and installations in the city of Celje. The basic concept is the work of artists in and with the city. The central theme of this year's 11th festival is SOUND: the sound of the city, sound as an expression, sound as part of a work of art. Sound is one of the basic elements of communication. Artists from Slovenia, Italy, Northern Ireland, Slovakia and Croatia will interact with the city and its citizens; the thematization of sound implies amplified interaction.


Free entry remains vital and different from the previous ones - this year as an "art marathon": it will take place from Wednesday, May 19 to Sunday, May 23, 2010. All projects will start in the city center at the star - the intersection of Prešernova and Stanetove streets. From there, the author himself will lead the audience to the scene of the performance or event.



Wednesday, 19.5.

11:00 a.m. press conference, Art Salon

15.00 Boris Oblišar: "SYMPHONY FOR MUSICAL CONGRATULATIONS", performance

16.00 Estela Žutič and Gilles Duvivier: AMUR, event for 10 spectators

17.00 Borut Holland, projection

21.00 Maja Delak & Luka Prinčič – Wanda & Nova deViator: Frozen images, multimedia musical performance

Thursday, 20.5.

16.00 Estela Žutič and Gilles Duvivier: AMUR, event for 10 spectators

17.00 Peter Matko: Pain, happening

18.00 Iva Tratnik, BUTO-NOISE 1.

20.00 Circulation 2, sound installation

21.00 Maja Hodošček: Hello everyone, video projection

Friday, 21.5.

13.00 Željko Opačak: Matthew 13:44

14.00 Bojana Križanec: Our wealth

15.00 Elisa Vladilo: THE SOUND OF COLOR, intervention in space

16.00 Estela Žutič and Gilles Duvivier: AMUR, event for 10 spectators

17.00 Adolf Mljač, spatial arrangement

18:00 Andreja Džakušič, performance

19.00 Dalibor Bori Zupančič: TRANS – ANATOMY, sound intervention

20.00 Fabiola Faidiga and Massimo Premuda: "as in heaven, so on earth / come in cielo, così in terra / as in heaven, so on earth", DVD projection on the wall
21.00 Manja Vadla, Mark Požlep, Jure Cvitan: NAPALM your personal disco

Saturday, 22 May

5.00 Petra Kapš: Only or already, performance 

8.00 Iva Tratnik, BUTO-NOISE 2.

9.00 Božo Katic

10.00 Jaroslav Kysa

11.00 Paddy Bloomer

12.00 Franc Purg

13.00 Simon Macuh: Red ears, event

14.00 Estela Žutič and Gilles Duvivier: AMUR, event for 10 spectators

Sunday, 23.5.

11.00 Breakfast on the grass, park


During the festival, Matija Plevnik will take you around the locations of past Vstopa prost venues and talk about projects from previous years. 


During this year's festival, there will also be screenings of the documentary of last year's 10th jubilee FREE ENTRY, which focused on intolerance, in the Metropol cinema. Follow the Metropol cinema trailer. 



contact: entry.prost@hotmail.com 041 531 284





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