
11 harmful things we do every day without even realizing it

Habit is an iron shirt. And anyone who has ever tried to quit smoking, biting their nails, or eating chocolate knows that this saying rings true. However, we are not even aware of many habits. We do a whole bunch of things the wrong way without even realizing it. And awareness is the first step in overcoming bad habits. Read the list of 11 harmful things we do every day without even realizing it.

You can read the list here 11 harmful things, which we do every day, but we are not even aware of them.

Overdoing the custard cream

Sparrows on the branches are already whistling that sunscreen is a necessary protection against the harmful effects of the sun. However, do not overdo it, because you can prevents vitamin D absorption, which is necessary for our optimal functioning.

Avoiding fats

Excessive fat consumption is associated with a whole range of diseases. However, completely avoiding fats is healthy as well harmful. Make sure that there are also fats on your menu - especially in healthy forms (avocado, salmon).

Avocados are a source of healthy fats
Avocados are a source of healthy fats

Overdoing the vegetables

Vegetables should be a major component of every menu, but not just vegetables. It is in uncooked form difficult to digest.

Eating peeled apples

There are a lot of vitamins and other important substances for our body in apple skins. If you follow the saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", then don't peel the apple at all.

Loud alarm clock

The alarm clock has to do its job, so it has to be loud enough for us to hear it in the morning. However, do not overdo the volume. Loud sound increases our blood pressure and causes stress (which is done well enough by getting up early in the morning).

Don't set your morning alarm too loud
Don't set your morning alarm too loud

Checking e-mail too often

Online mail is an inevitable reality of the modern world, but checking your online mailbox too often can lead to increase in bad mood and feeling of stress. Limit webmail checking.

Scented sticks

Scented sticks have a beneficial effect on us with their aromatic scent. However, they do not contain very healthy chemicals, so they can have a negative impact on our health. Do not overuse.

Excessive drinking of energy drinks

Energy drinks wake us up, which in turn leads to increased productivity and concentration. However, excessive consumption of energy drinks can have very negative effects on our health, especially on the functioning of the heart.

Taking painkillers

Limit the use of painkillers to when you really need them. Although they are freely available and seemingly harmless, excessive use of them can lead to side effects.

Wrapping hair in a towel

If you wrap your hair in a towel after showering, we recommend that you abandon this habit. The towel mechanically destroys the hair, causing it to split they break faster and hair falls out more.

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Let your hair dry naturally
Let your hair dry naturally

A long shower

A long shower at the end of a busy day is beneficial for the body and mind. However, it can cause drying of the skin, so don't indulge in it every day.

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