
11 Things To Do If Someone Is Deliberately Ignoring You

Photo: envato

Is it the person you love who isn't answering your phone calls or texts? Are you being ignored on social media? Does he avoid meeting? Wondering what to do when someone is deliberately ignoring you?

Don't worry this happens to many people, we will present you the right answer to it. We will guide you through this process and help you get through this difficult time because it is emotional abuse. You will come out of such an experience stronger and emotionally wiser.

Let's see what to do when someone is deliberately ignoring you.

1. Stay cool

No matter how much they ignore you and no matter how much it hurts, try to stay calm. Do not react in the moment, because, believe me, it will not bring you anything good.


Your anger will make you do things that you will regret later. And remember, once you say something, you can't take it back. Learn to control your temper. Every time their behavior makes you angry, take a deep breath.

2. Make sure you are being ignored on purpose

Of course, before you say or do anything, you should make sure that you are really being ignored on purpose. Have you tried talking to them? Have you done something that could have caused you to be ignored?

If you believe that you are being ignored on purpose, you have two options. You can try to figure out why they are ignoring you, or forget about them and move on with your life without them.

3. Consider all possible reasons for their behavior

They may have been hurt by some of your actions without realizing it. Maybe this is their way of telling you that you need to rethink your actions. The fact is that some people do not know how to solve their problems with their partner in a healthy way.


Instead, they choose to distance themselves or give their partner the silent treatment. It's like they want their partner to read their mind. Unfortunately, these people don't even realize all the ramifications this can have on a relationship.

4. Give them time and space

If you still can't find the root cause of their behavior, give them some space. Maybe they met new people, found new friends and want to spend time only with them. On the other hand, they may be dealing with some personal issues and want to be alone.

If they still don't get back to you after a while, they are ignoring you because they don't care about you. Sooner or later you will have to cut them out of your life completely.

5. Control your emotions, don't let them control you

Being ignored hurts. This is an emotional trauma that few people know how to fight and overcome. You should accept all these emotions but never let them control you. Don't let this emotional roller coaster make you do something you would never normally do.


When you learn to control your emotions, you will also learn to control your body language. And this is very important because you should never let anyone else know that you are hurt or disappointed by someone else's actions.

6. Focus on yourself

What to do when someone is deliberately ignoring you, just focus on yourself, not on that person. Give yourself the love you are constantly being denied. Improve your confidence. Regain your lost self-esteem.

Accept whatever you are feeling right now and learn to project all those feelings and states in a healthy way. Let them be your encouragement to forget those who do not appreciate your presence in their life.

7. Pamper yourself

You deserve to feel loved, and if the person doesn't give you that feeling, then you have to do it for yourself. Fall madly in love with yourself. Promise yourself that you will never neglect yourself, your own needs, and chase after someone who doesn't want to be caught.

Do nice things for yourself. Start living your life to the fullest and don't even bother thinking about those who obviously stopped thinking about you a long time ago.

8. Don't play games just to get noticed

They may really be playing with you by ignoring you, but that doesn't mean you have to accept that you are an accomplice in these toxic games. Do not humiliate yourself and do not lose self-respect, no one is worth it.


This way, you will lose yourself to someone who never wanted to be a part of your life, and it will affect all your future relationships. You may never again be able to build and maintain a healthy relationship with another person.

9. Changing to a contest will not work

We should not compete to see who can ignore the other the longest. There is no competition in a healthy relationship. There are only two people who encourage each other to be the best possible version of themselves and support each other in everything they do. This is the essence of a healthy and successful relationship.

Always try to be better. Ignoring it will not make your pain go away, it will only poison your relationship to the point where you will never be able to fix things between you and that will be the sure end of your love, friendship or anything else.

10. Let them know that their actions hurt you

You can ask them to talk. But don't text them 24/7 because that will only make you look desperate, no one finds that attractive.

They probably already know that their behavior is hurting your feelings, but the truth is, they don't care about your feelings at all.

11. If none of this works, end the relationship

Whether it's a close friend or someone you have deep romantic feelings for, if that person continues to ignore you, you need to let them out of your life.

You have to distance yourself from them, move on with your life and eventually your heart will learn to let go of them too. You don't need such persons in your life.

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