
11 things you need to arrange in your home before the start of winter

How to make sure that the home is clean, tidy and ready for the colder months?

Photo: envato

Are you ready for the coming winter months? Winter brings cold temperatures, snowy days and more time spent indoors. How will you ensure that your home remains warm, comfortable and cozy?

Winter is almost here, and it brings cold weather with it temperature and snow days. In order for your home to remain warm, comfortable and pleasant, it is important to prepare it for the coming winter challenges.

Not only will this keep your home warm, but it will also be a safer haven from the cold.

Here are 11 key tasks to complete to get your home ready for winter:

1. Clean the radiators

Radiators are the heart of your heating system. Clean them thoroughly before turning on the heating. Dust particles that accumulate on radiators can reduce heating efficiency by as much as 30 percent. Wipe down the radiators with a damp cloth and some vinegar-based cleaner to keep them running smoothly.

2. Clean out the closets

Start winter with a tidy closet. Consider what you need and get rid of unnecessary clothes. Donate them.

Have you cleaned your home yet? Photo: Vecislavas Popa / Pexels

3. Clean the windows

Clean windows are the key to good lighting in the room and also to lift your mood during the winter months. Clean the windows from the inside and outside so that you can enjoy the sunny winter days without any obstacles.

4. Check the fireplace or stove

If you have a fireplace or stove, now is the time to inspect them. Check that the chimney is not obstructed by bird nests or other obstructions. A clean chimney ensures that the smoke will be well removed and that it will not escape into the room.

5. Clean the carpets

Carpets in your home collect dust, pet dander and other allergens. Vacuum the carpets regularly and wash them well twice a year. A clean carpet will keep your home healthier and more comfortable.

6. Clean curtains and blinds

Curtains and blinds also collect dust. Remove and wash or wipe as needed. Clean windows are beautiful, but clean curtains and blinds will make your home even cozier.

7. Watch out for germs

Even objects that are rarely touched accumulate bacteria. Also clean remote controls, lamps, switches and other items that are often overlooked. Disinfect them to prevent the spread of germs.

Make tidying up fun. Photo: Rdne stock project / Pexels

8. Wash blankets and pillows

Wash blankets, pillows and other soft textiles or dry clean if necessary. Freshly washed blankets and pillows will smell nice and warm you on cold nights.

9. Deep clean the floor

Whether you have carpets, parquet or tiles, give them a deep clean. Remove stubborn dirt and bacteria with a steam cleaner or vacuum cleaner.

10. Clean the refrigerator

Before winter, check everything in your refrigerator. Dispose of expired food and clean shelves and drawers. A regularly maintained refrigerator will prolong the freshness of your food.

11. Clean the mirrors

Clean mirrors make a room brighter. Prepare a natural cleaner from lemon juice or vinegar and water and wipe the mirrors with it. Shiny mirrors will reflect light and make your home more spacious.

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