
11 things you should know before dating a scorpio

If you're looking for passion and commitment, he's the one for you.

Have you met a mysterious and magnetic Scorpio and realized that this is exactly the person you have been looking for all your life? But before you fall completely in love with him, read some facts about this astrological sign!

1. Their appearance is deceiving. They appear impartial, emotionless and indifferent. In reality, they are passionate and sensual, dominant and confident.

2. Scorpios are bossy, headstrong and think they are always right. If you're looking for someone to control or make small to make you feel better, keep looking. Scorpios won't play second fiddle to anyone (they think they're always right, because they're usually always right).

3. All the negative qualities associated with Scorpios are due to their incredible passion.

4. Consider how it will be when, as written above, it is transferred to bed.

5. Scorpio is the most passionate defender of those he loves. Expect him to defend you relentlessly and stand by you in difficult times.

6. Although they will never admit it, Scorpios are very emotional. Similar to other water signs, Cancers and Pisces. Except their emotions are passion and anger.

7. Scorpios take a long time to open up, if they ever do. You have to prove to him that you are trustworthy. Never gossip about others in front of them if you want them to trust you.

8. The perfect date for a Scorpio is in the embrace of home.

9. The place where a scorpion is the softest is in bed. Here, their sensual sides win out against their desire to hide their true emotional selves. They will kiss you, caress you. If you think they're just doing it for sex, you're wrong - it's really showing their feelings.

10. Scorpios excel in business. They are determined and competitive, intelligent and persuasive when it's time for people to believe in them.

11. In order for a Scorpio to feel loved, he needs to know that you respect him. Give them a sense of security, protect their secrets.

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