
12 myths we believe thanks to Hollywood

Hollywood has been tempting us for decades with fairy-tale worlds of princesses, brave warriors for the rights of others and antagonists who have been defeated again and again. Some of the beliefs we hold come from repeating patterns in Hollywood movies, but they are actually completely wrong. In the article you can read 12 myths that we believe thanks to Hollywood.

These are 12 myths we believe, thanks to Hollywood.

You can hide in the ventilation shaft

It is actually very difficult to hide in the ventilation shaft, as it is very narrow.

Piranhas immediately smell the human body

In reality, piranhas are quite cautious and fearful fish. There is no recorded case of a human dying from a piranha attack.

The image from the security camera has a good resolution

The image from the security camera has a good resolution.
The image from the security camera has a good resolution.

In the movies, detectives get an image from a security camera, then zoom in on the suspect's face in the image and see his facial features very clearly. In reality, security cameras have a very poor resolution and the image is completely unrecognizable when zoomed in.

An asteroid can hit Earth without us knowing

In real life, physicists know very well which large asteroids will be in close proximity to Earth in the next 100 years.

Adrenaline must be injected into the heart

In movies where the hero is on the verge of death, they often help him by injecting adrenaline directly into the heart. In reality, adrenaline needs to be injected into the veins.

A fire balloon follows the bomb explosion

A fire balloon follows the bomb explosion.
A fire balloon follows the bomb explosion.

In action movies, without exception, a bomb or two also explodes. Then we see a huge fire balloon in the picture. In reality, after the explosion of the bomb, only a huge cloud of dust and dangerous fragments of the exploded things follows.

A hole in a plane sucks passengers out

In movies, we can see many times how a hole in a plane causes people to be sucked out of the plane. In reality, the pressure would quickly equalize and the hole would just make a lot of noise.

A person can dive into lava

In reality, the lava is very thick, and when you fall into it, you don't sink instantly.

You suffocate instantly in quicksand

You suffocate instantly in quicksand.
You suffocate instantly in quicksand.

This is a myth. In reality, quicksand is quite dense and it is difficult for a person to drown in it.

Banks protect large valuables with red laser beams

Banks use laser beams to protect special valuables, but these beams are invisible.

A car can fly over an obstacle on the road

Cars in action movies often fly over lying police officers or similar obstacles on the roads. In reality, the car would flip over in the air.

A man always falls when he is shot

A man always falls when he is shot.
A man always falls when he is shot.

People on the run in movies always fall when someone shoots them. But in reality, you can run for a long time after that - as long as the main organs are not damaged.

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