
12 Signs of Intelligence You Can't Fake

There is nothing in the world so well distributed as wit: everyone thinks he has enough of it.

Scientists hypothesize that some personal traits or skills that you might think are useless or negative may actually identify a person's high level of brain activity.

What are these qualities and skills? Here is a list of signs that, according to experts, indicate extraordinary intelligence.

12. You are left-handed (or use both hands equally)

Journalist Maria Konnikova described in her 1995 study attempt , which was conducted between a group of leftists and rightists. They found that left-handed people were more adept at putting two objects together to make a third – for example – using a stick and a can to make a birdhouse. They also excelled at grouping words into as many alternate categories as possible.

Scientists associate leftism with divergent thinking, a form of creativity that helps generate new ideas. The same can be said for ambidextrous people - those who have the same developed activity of both hands.

So if you are right-handed, try doing something with your left hand and vice versa. These actions activate underdeveloped areas of the brain.

11. You are often worried, even about the smallest things

Med the study scientists asked 126 elementary school students to fill out questionnaires about how often they are worried about something, how often they pay attention to rumors or think about situations that make them feel upset.

Those children who were more anxious than others seemed to score higher on a subsequent nonverbal intelligence test. Scientists link this to the fact that those who are always worried usually do their work more correctly.

10. You love jokes

At the University of New Mexico, they conducted another interesting one the study. 400 students took tests of their ability to discuss specific topics. After completing the tests, they were asked to add captions to some pictures from cartoons.

These inscriptions were reviewed by independent evaluators. 86% of the intelligent students who scored the highest on the test seem to have chosen humorous captions for the pictures. Later, the same research was done with comedians, and all of them scored above average on a test of verbal intelligence.

According to scientists, humor affects intellectual abilities, keeps the brain and nervous system in good shape and makes us smarter.

9. You are too curious

Scientists from the University of London Psychology say: "A curious child, as opposed to one who simply learns by heart, is more likely to become an innovator later in life."

Professor Tomas Chamorro Premuzic from Harvard Business Review explains how curiosity and a "hungry mind" make us smarter. He says: "Because of curiosity, the child is more interested in science and art as a means of learning and self-expression."

8. You are a night owl

If you are a night owl, your intelligence is more likely to be above average. Scientists hypothesize that this is the result of such high brain activity that it challenges regular daily biorhythms.

In a study she published Journal of Personality and Individual Differences , studied the relationship between children's intelligence and sleeping habits. It has been found that most intelligent people wake up later on weekdays and weekends.

7. You are very receptive or easily distracted

If you're often distracted by social media notifications, tea breaks or even conversations, you might be more intelligent than others, scientists say.
According to the the study it is said to be more difficult when a person concentrates, the more intelligent he is. They explain that this is due to the fact that it is difficult to keep a high level of brain activity under control.

6. Walk a lot

American scientists did a statistical the study and found that people who live in walkable cities have higher levels of intelligence than those who live in traffic-dominated cities.

You walk a lot.

5. You realize that you still don't know everything

The Dunning-Kruger effect is the result of a study Justin Kruger and David Dunning, which has become a classic in social psychology. He says, the more intelligent a person is, the more he doubts his cognitive abilities.

In other words, intelligent people are not afraid to say "I don't know." If they don't know something, they can discover something new. Therefore, if you always have questions in your head and are not afraid to ask them, then you are probably more intelligent than many other people.

4. You have good self-control

Intelligent people they know how to control impulsiveness and suppress emotions well. They think about the consequences even before they start doing something.

In one of the psychological studies respondents were asked to choose between two options - to receive a smaller value of money immediately or a larger value throughout the year. The results showed that respondents who chose more money later (or, in other words, those who had more self-control) scored higher on various tests and achieved more success in the future.

3. You often procrastinate

According to opinion researchers those who can easily find a reason to skip exercise have higher cognitive demand.

Most intelligent people tend to procrastinate, as many famous scientists have observed. For example, Adam Grant says that procrastination is the key to innovation. Steve Jobs could use procrastination strategically, so that the brain would rest while switching to completely different tasks.

2. You constantly nibble on something

It is a known fact that chewing gum it increases brain activity and concentration, but unfortunately only for 20 minutes. Scientists have recently found that intelligent people have a habit of constantly chewing something. They explain that when we chew, our brains are open to reflection and self-analysis.

1. Take occasional naps during the day

It is common knowledge that Leonardo da Vinci practiced polyphasic sleep. He slept for 20-30 minutes every 4 hours. Why? The brain intelligent people work more intensively and get tired soon, but also recharge faster. To shake off fatigue and look at the problem with fresh eyes, you need to "fill" your brain.

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