
12 things only sisters or brothers understand

The bond between sisters, brothers or sister and brother is never broken. Although it cannot be seen or heard, it is there.

Having a sibling is one of the most enjoyable and exciting experiences you can have in your life.

If you have a brother and/or sister, reading will remind you of them, whether it's memories from the past or things that are still happening to you today!

1. You love and hate them

This is quite normal for a sibling relationship. You can feel real, genuine anger and dislike for them one day, and love the next, because no matter what, they will always be your brother and/or sister.

2. Persuading parents

In childhood, you joined forces and convinced your parents that you could do or get something. It was always more successful than when you did it yourself. If you both cried long enough and hard enough, you probably managed to get that pizza you wanted for dinner.

3. Arguing over trifles

You can argue with your sibling over the most pointless things. Arguments about what to watch on TV, who will be the first to go to the bathroom, ... can easily turn into a fight. Before you know it, you're arguing with them just because you're bored.

4. You ask each other what you should get your parents for your birthday

Don't know what to buy your mom for her birthday? No problem. Put your brains together, or just ask your sister. She will have the answers.

5. You are always there for each other

Every good brother or sister is their brother or sister's partner in crime. They may be obnoxious until the end, but when you need help, you can count on them to help you.

6. They embarrass each other

They embarrass each other as much as possible. This often extends into adulthood, meaning there will always be the same old enemies you know and love.

7. Borrowing things from each other

When you have a sibling, theirs is yours, whether you get their permission first or not.

8. Jokes with parents

Teasing your parents is always more fun when you have a supportive and cooperative teammate.

9. They value each other

If they attend the same school, they try to avoid each other as much as possible. For example, when they are on the school bus, they have to sit as far apart as possible because they know that if they don't, they will both be annoyed and embarrass themselves in front of others.

10. Going on vacation

If you and your siblings get along while on vacation, this could be invaluable to parents.

11. Driving a car

One of you has access to a car while the other is just learning to drive. When you have an older brother or sister, that means you have to make an appointment when you need a car.

12. Talking about your family

No one knows how weird your family is like the person who shared their inside view with you. They both went through the same things, so they both know what things are really like.

You always have a best friend – the one who has been your partner in crime all your life. If it's not the most wonderful thing in the world...

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