
12 ways you can use the cosmetics you were about to throw away

12 ways you can use the cosmetics you were about to throw away

It also happens to you that you buy a whole supply of cosmetics, but in the end you only use a few products. What to do with the remaining products? We reveal 12 ways you can use the cosmetics you were about to throw away. Maybe one of them will come in handy for you.

We reveal 12 ways you can use the cosmetics you were about to throw away.


Lots of tonics contains alcohol, which works effectively against bacteria. You can use the toner as a hand sanitizer or as a means to clean your phone or computer screen.

Cosmetic oil

Cosmetic oil can be used for polishing of stainless steel. Pour a drop of oil onto a clean cloth and then wipe the surface with it.

Clear nail polish

Clear nail polish can be used as a top coat. If you have furniture with scratches, cover them with clear nail polish. This will cover the scratches and prevent further damage.

Powder powder

Loose powder absorbs moisture. You can apply it to your joints before exercising to prevent unpleasant sweating. In extreme cases, it also works effectively as a dry shampoo.

You can use the powder as a dry shampoo
You can use the powder as a dry shampoo

Makeup removers

Makeup remover works great as a glue remover that remains on products when you remove their stickers.

Nail polish remover

Nail polish remover contains acetone, which is very effective in fighting grease stains. You can use it when cleaning the apartment (especially the bathroom).

How amazing is acetone?
How amazing is acetone?

Face cream

The face cream can be used to coat leather items (shoes, handbags). The cream will give them a shine and protect them from abrasions.

Hair shampoo

Hair shampoo is great for washing clothes because it contains chemicals that soften the fibers.

Red lipstick

Red lipstick can be used to cover the thief temporarily. Apply a thin layer over the black tattoo, then use hairspray. You can also use it to cover dark circles according to this method.

Red lipstick miraculously covers dark spots on the skin
Red lipstick miraculously covers dark spots on the skin

Lip balm

The lip balm contains petroleum jelly. This also has a beneficial effect on dry own ends, as it moisturizes and nourishes them.
READ MORE: 4 natural ways to get rid of white lines from the sun faster

Hair spray

Hair spray can be used to remove cat or dog hair from clothes, as it has an antistatic effect.


Peeling can be used to prevent ingrown hairs. Exfoliate at least 2 times before waxing after these steps.

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