
12 wishes to take with you into 2021

2020 was not a "pleasant" year. This is also why it is so important to mentally prepare for 2021. And enter the future positively! I wish you to remain, no matter what, always true to yourself.

A year 2020 took a lot from us, but we are also many also learned. We became more humble, less greedy, calmer and often found time for ourselves. This is also why, despite the crisis, many people have found a part of themselves that they didn't know before. This is also why they are preparing for 2021 a little differently. A bit more positive than usual!

These are my wishes for you…

1. Remember that you are loved

Even in moments when you feel that you are not, and that the whole world is against you. Remember that you are in someone's heart. You never know how many hearts you have visited with your look and smile.

2. Follow up your words with actions

Be happy. Address your thoughts, your mind, your mental health. Take a break from social media and stop seeking validation from others. You deserve to give yourself the love, compassion and attention you give others. In 2021, start with self-love.

3. Resist excuses

Leave a relationship that doesn't give you anything you want. Stop complaining about your job if you don't do anything to make it better. Resist the need to constantly avoid rejection. It takes strength to stop hiding behind excuses. Go through the consequence even if it's not what you expected it to be. This is life. Go forward with your head held high.

4. Risk

Life isn't easy, but taking risks encourages growth, builds resilience and boosts self-esteem. Risk is what can bring you everything you've dreamed of. Take advantage of this opportunity, you have it in you.

5. Find inner peace

Take your time and be one with yourself and nature. Look at the beautiful colors that paint the sky. He feels the rain on his skin and the earth under his feet. The world is too busy these days. Take a break from pressures and masks.

6. Take care of yourself

Distance yourself from toxic people, things or anything that causes you pain. Surround yourself with people who motivate you to be a better person. With those who will celebrate every small victory with you. Close the door on those who won't.

7. Practice acceptance

Accept your mistakes, you will grow with them. Things won't always turn out the way you want them to, accept that and move on. Accept that you cannot change people, but you can try to live in harmony with them.

8. Follow your heart

Forget logic and confess your feelings to the person you like. Let your heart feel. Let him love. Even if the person doesn't reciprocate your feelings, at least you'll never have to wonder what if.

9. Be kind

Not only to others around you, but also to yourself. No one has perfect answers. Find perfection in imperfection.

10. Explore other people's perspectives

Situations are much more than what you see. Look at them from other angles. An open mind overcomes many things. Put yourself in the other person's shoes, try to understand why you upset someone, and be reasonable when you encounter obstacles on your path in life.

11. Stand up for what is right

Don't be someone who doesn't dare to try and just please. Don't be fooled by the label "Popularities." Be there for people when they need you, but don't let them take advantage of it. Stay who you are. Be what you are. Stay in your lane and don't bow to other people's ideas, you'll be happier.

12. Be happy

Enjoy what you do. Be with people you love and respect. Smile at your reflection in the mirror and enjoy 2021. Let it take you on a journey of hidden desires.

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