
12 YouTube channels that will actually make us (even) smarter!


Of course, we don't just learn in school. And school is not the only one that takes care of the development of our intellect. There is family, there are friends, there are streets, there are hobbies and, after all, there is also the Internet. Today we present twelve YouTube channels that will actually make us (even) smarter!

1. Nerdwriter

It's a crash course in the philosophy of art; with video essays, they cultivate our worldview through the art we create and observe. If we want to be a little more educated about pictures and movies, this is a great place to start.

2. The King of Random

Here you can learn how to make everything from lego gummies to a micro crossbow. These experimental, random weekend video projects will show us great and tasty, if sometimes risky, tricks.

3. Sexplanations

Here are important facts about sexual behavior, health and culture. A real doctor will help us learn everything we wanted to know about sexuality that is not covered in the school lesson on sex education.

4. In a Nutshell

It's a quick and fun summary of the physical and social building blocks of life. The channel tries to explain our existence in six minutes or less. The videos are beautifully animated and cover topics such as evolution, space and global energy.

5. Every Frame a Painting

Here we will learn how to critique and rate a movie like a pro. Tony Zhou is a great editor with a feel for film. He takes the film's images and sound so far as to reveal the themes and techniques of films we've seen hundreds of times before, or focus on a lesser-known art film that's definitely a must-see.

6. Scam School

It's easy-to-follow wizardry and antics that will delight anyone. Award-winning magician Brian Bushwood shows us his best bar tricks, cons, antics and tricks. These are not the tricks of our grandfathers, and if we follow closely, we may never pay for a drink at the bar again.

READ MORE: Scientists Say These Seven Hobbies Will Make Us Smarter!

7. Extra Credits

The channel is dedicated to toys and games - everything from their development and design to their history and social impact. If we love video games or are just curious about how they are made, this is the channel for us.

8. Laura in the Kitchen

We will learn how to cook according to excellent and delicious Italian recipes and enjoy desserts. Regardless of whether we are completely amateur cooks or already skillfully running the kitchen - Laura has some great recipes for us that we can adapt to any kitchen. Her steps are easy to follow and more tips can be found on her website.

9. MinutePhysics

Of course, we will learn about physics, but about things that really interest us. This channel firmly believes that "if we can't explain things simply, we don't understand them well enough". The people behind this channel actually managed to cram half a semester of our physics professor into just a few instructional minutes.

10. Mental Floss

Here they offer us answers to big questions and random facts that have been a thorn in our side all our lives. A random, interesting and often surprising collection of knowledge that will captivate any geek.

11. Growing Your Greens

We will learn everything there is to know about our first garden and how to make our plants thrive. Gardening can be "cool", and this channel proves it. They make sure that our work is both sustainable and efficient, while at the same time it can be done in almost any environment.

12. Yoga with Adriene

We may think that yoga is too difficult, it quickly confuses us and also scares us. This channel allows us to do it our way, at our own pace and in the way that is good for us. Adriene brings it to us in the comfort of our own home.

Other YouTube channels that are just as good or even better than the school: Crash Course (fun lessons from high school), Numberphile (how mathematics contributes to greater efficiency in any field), Fitness Blender (quick and effective exercises for every level and without additional fitness equipment), You Deserve a Drink (mixing cocktails inspired by current pop culture), Woodworking with Steve Ramsey (basic woodworking techniques and their use).

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