
13 life wisdom that every woman with a big heart can know

Photo: Andrey Zvyagintsev / Unsplash

You are different. You are not weak if you have a big heart, a heart that forgives, loves, dreams. Sometimes your mind is full of unanswered questions and you simply cannot find a way and peace within yourself. Then remind yourself that you are not invincible. Your heart and you need rest.

Remember that it's okay to be the way you are. There's nothing wrong with not knowing all the answers.

1. Some people will not understand your heart and there is nothing wrong with that.

Some will think your sincere, pure passion is fake. They will take your strength as weakness and your deep love as insincere. Some will not see the value of your soul or how much energy and kindness you pour into the people who matter to you. You have to realize that this is their reflection, not yours. They have the problem, not you.

2. You are no less worthy of love because you haven't found it yet.

Don't look for someone to be by your side just so you won't be alone. The right person will find their way to you. You may go through some bad relationships during this time. Maybe you love someone who is not the right person for you or someone will break your heart. All this leads you in the right direction. Be patient. The love your big heart is worth will come when it's meant for.

3. Your heart defines you, not your relationship.

A relationship breakup doesn't define you. The person who left does not define who you are or your worth. Just because someone mistreated your heart doesn't make you any less worthy. In the eyes of the right person, you will be perfect. Nothing defines you except your big, beating heart - and that's wonderful.

4. You have nothing to be ashamed of.

You don't have to be embarrassed if you love too much, how you love, how you care, past relationships, or how you opened your heart to someone too soon. In a world that is more focused on what one can gain, you are one of the few sincere people. Don't forget that.

5. A big heart is not a weak heart.

Don't mistake your soft heart for a fragile one, because it's anything but that.

6. Don't let past relationships define your future.

It doesn't matter who you loved, or how you handled the breakup or the pain that came with it. None of this will define you and have no effect on where you go next. Don't let negativity get you. Good things come to you especially when your heart leads you. Just wait.

You are beautiful, regardless of all the falls and pain in your heart. Photo: Ali Pazani / Unsplash

7. There's nothing wrong with caring.

There is nothing wrong with you, but with other people who do not understand kindness.

8. There are too many labels to be proud of.

Being "too much" is not an insult, it is a blessing. You feel deeply and share your passion with the world - that's wonderful, not shameful.

9. No matter what anyone says, there's nothing wrong with being careful.

Sometimes it's good to be careful and watch your heart so you don't trust it to people who won't understand it, but sometimes you'll make mistakes. Sometimes you'll get hurt, but that's not failure. You simply learned a valuable lesson and started over.

10. Stick to people who respect you and don't let anyone make you change.

Wait for the one who values your heart instead of scolding you for it. Wait for the person who admires your passion instead of ignoring it. Wait for the person who loves you with the same strength and perseverance. Wait for him.

11. You can't look for love, it finds you.

Don't put a timeline on love. Don't look for it or try to force it from a person who doesn't want to commit. Let love happen. Let it happen when the time is right for her.

12. You are wonderful, unique.

If no one has told you this today - you are strong. You are beautiful. You are strong because you keep going, because you care, because you put others first in a world where selflessness is rare. Do not forget the power that is within you - it is you.

13. One day someone will come along who will love you and respect your heart.

One day love will come. She won't be perfect, but she will be passionate. It will be the way you wanted it to be. With the person who sees you and wants to spend all the days to come with you. Wait for that person. And settle for nothing less.

Enjoy yourself!

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