
13 smart questions to ask on a first date

First dates. The first beginnings. Let everything go a little differently - fun!

First dates are so awkward sometimes. The person you're going on a date with may not want to talk about the serious stuff in life, like why they are the way they are and how their childhood contributed to that. Help yourself with different questions.

Smart questions can serve as a bridge to a more relaxed feeling, so that the conversation does not only revolve around the weather.

Let's see what those questions are.

1. Do you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert? How do others see you?

The distinction between how others see you and how you see yourself is very interesting. In this way, you better understand and get to know the other person.

2. What are you looking forward to in the next week?

Instead of the typical question: "What do you do in your spare time?", ask them what they are looking forward to in the next week. This way will give you a wider understanding of their hobbies and their daily life.

3. What is on the list of things you want to do?

It's interesting to see what preferences other people have.

4. If you could visit any historical period, which would it be?

A trip to the past encourages many interesting and constructive conversations.

5. What do you understand by the word "home"?

Be careful with this question, because not everyone had a good childhood. Find out early what your conversations are. Are they superficial? Did they go deeper than you expected for a first date? If you think you wouldn't mind a few more personal questions, ask them around the house. Trust your instinct.

6. What was the last thing or event you bragged about to the people around you?

Everyone likes to brag a little, but there are limits. Through this question, you can learn that what someone brags about shows you what they are proud of, what they value in life.

7. What dating advice would you give to your high school self?

This question allows you to see how the person you are dating has matured since then, or may still be at the same immature stage.

8. What should I know about you but never remembered to ask you?

Be careful with this question. A person can tell you something that they don't think is important, but it could be a disastrous experience for you.

9. Ten years ago, did you think you would be where you are today?

It's interesting to learn where and what the person you're dating wanted to become. And are they now where they want to be or would they like to be somewhere else.

10. If you were a book, what would your summary be?

This question is basically the same as "tell me something about yourself", but expressed in a different way. The person becomes creative and presents himself in the most picturesque light.

11. What food would you marry?

Give them a choice of three types of food, let them choose which food they would marry. Unusual, but interesting and fun.

12. What would be your idea that would tempt every businessman?

This question may give you an insight into their creativity. This could be helpful in planning future dates.

13. Would you rather fight a horse the size of a duck or 100 ducks the size of a horse?

Laughter guaranteed.

If you want to change the first date, consider these questions. Forget the questions
"Where are you from?", What do you do in your spare time?, What kind of music do you listen to?".

These 13 smart questions will surely brighten your day or evening. Try them out. It will be fun.

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