When nature shows its teeth, it can be very cruel. Residents of Asian countries who are currently facing a deadly typhoon that is destroying everything in front of them have also experienced this firsthand.
Typhoon Mangkhut, which hurt Philippines, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, he demanded 69 fatalities. The speed of the destructive wind, which completely paralyzed traffic, reached 290 km/h.
He left behind the most victims in the Philippines. Because plaza in the mine lost his life 33 miners, and there are still missing people 29 people. It is expected that the typhoon will increasingly move towards mainland Asia in the coming days.
There was real chaos in Hong Kong, where people had to go to work despite the extreme conditions, which led to many traffic jams.
The facts speak for themselves, so it is not difficult to see that the countries in Southeast Asia are living the law disaster. For a more vivid idea of what kind of devastation Typhoon Mangkhut leaves behind, we reveal to you 13 horrifying footage posted on Twitter.