
This is what separates her from other women: 13 things a truly strong woman will NEVER do!

"Do one thing you think you can't do. Make it fail. Then try again. Do it better the next time. The people who never fail are the ones who never try. This is your moment. Seize it Mrs." – Oprah Winfrey

People acquire different habits, including bad ones, through different situations in life. Perhaps through cultural diversity, social expectations. Recognizing unhealthy habits is the first step to making positive changes so you can move forward to reach your potential.

And what strong women don't do and what you can learn from it, according to the psychotherapist and bestselling author Amy Morin?

They don't compare themselves to other people

Comparing your happiness, wealth, and appearance to other people drains you mentally. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is yourself, yesterday.

They don't insist on perfection

Set high expectations for yourself, but at the same time accept that mistakes are part of the learning process, part of life.

They do not see vulnerability as weakness

It takes strength to put yourself out there to love and risk being hurt. Whether you're the first to say you love someone or pop the question that makes you feel uncomfortable, being vulnerable is key to creating healthier and happier relationships.

They don't let doubts stop them from achieving their goals

There's nothing wrong with doubting yourself, it's normal. But don't let them get in your way, stop you from continuing what you started. Your brain will question your competence, but don't believe everything you think.

They don't think too much, they act

Engage in problem solving, but don't let yourself get too caught up in the cycle of thinking.

Never let others create your life.
Never let others create your life.

They do not shy away from difficult challenges

Be willing to face your fears and step up to the challenge. Challenge yourself to get a little stronger every day and build confidence in your abilities. This will make it easier for you to face difficult situations.

They are not afraid to break the rules

Whether it's an unwritten rule or maybe it's a job you're just not qualified for: don't let societal expectations and rules limit you or stifle your growth.

They do not humiliate others in order to elevate themselves

Putting others down will not put you on top. You will maintain your position until someone humiliates you as you humiliated them. When you lift other people up, you become a true leader.

They do not allow others to limit their potential

Don't let rejection or harsh criticism stop you. It is not necessary for others to believe in you until you believe in yourself.

They don't blame themselves when things go wrong

Acknowledge your behavior without blaming your character. Tell yourself "I made a bad decision", instead of telling yourself "I'm a bad person". This is key to being able to learn from missteps.

They are not silent

Choosing not to stand up to someone who abuses their power does not mean you are weak. It is up to you to decide what is best for you. But know that silence can drain you mentally. Recognizing unhealthy habits is the first step in making positive changes so you can move forward to reach your highest potential.

They don't feel bad about changing their lives

Whether you're making a complete career move in your 30s or transforming your life in your 60s, it's important to grow personally and pursue your dreams.

They do not minimize the importance of their success

Don't worry so much about looking arrogant if you want to earn money for your hard work and your skills. Practice saying a simple word “Thank you!” when you get praise and share your success with others.

Let go of the bad habits that are holding you back so you can take steps forward and reach your highest potential. Become the best version of yourself!

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