
13 things that make you different from others

Photo: Andrey Zvyagintsev / Unsplash

Live as others cannot. Live as only you can.

Everyone has the right and the opportunity to live the life they want and like. Why pretend just to fit in with the crowd?

If you enjoy the things below, you are different than most.

1. You don't have a 5-year plan

Why worry about what will happen in five years, it is better to focus on the present and build the future step by step.

2. You enjoy solitude

You find self-awareness in solitude. Nothing is required, just relax, you can be who you are.

3. Release

Small things that relax your everyday life. Small joys in life, such as reading a book, drinking coffee, lying on the sofa, laughing with friends and having a day without plans.

4. You admit when you're wrong

Peace and good relations mean more to you than pretense and lies.

5. You don't apologize for your actions

You don't justify your actions to convince other people that you did something right.

6. You don't stress yourself out for no reason

Instead of angrily projecting a feeling you don't understand onto something in your life, allow yourself to face the problem and let it go.

You are different, you are a person of values! Photo: Behrouz Sasani / Unsplash

7. Appreciate the lessons

Instead of judging yourself because something happened, because you were hurt, instead appreciate life's lessons because you know they make you grow. You will react differently next time.

8. Don't judge others

Judgments are projections from wounds. Those who judge others have their own problems.

9. You do not slander

You prefer to talk about books, ideas, travel or anything else that you find more interesting than living other people's lives.

10. You don't judge

People change. You believe that everyone deserves a second chance. Don't judge for past mistakes.

11. You are determined

If you have to overthink something, the answer is usually no. You believe that what is meant to flow naturally without you having to consciously choose it.

12. Allow yourself to be angry

Anger tells you what you believe, what you need to change, and what excites you. Allowing yourself to feel it allows you to direct it in a constructive direction.

13. Breathe fully and deeply

You process emotions by breathing. Learn to breathe and allow the sensations to flood your body. You realize that you can do anything.

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