
13 things men notice first in a woman: some you would never say!

Men have admitted that certain things they first notice in women determine whether or not it's worth getting to know the woman they're attracted to. And while you might say that some of these things on the list are fairly predictable, there are other things that men notice that you would never say are important to them!

The first impression is very often crucial, so women try their best to charm the man they like. However, it begs the question whether women use real charms!

You must be convinced that men notice the physical attributes in a woman first and ignore what is really important, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

It is quite certain that appearance is important and that it has a big impact on creating a first impression, but you may be fooled surprised by some of the things that men pay attention to. The old belief that men only see the body in women is not entirely correct.

Here are 13 things men notice first in a woman.

1. Hair

When a man sees a woman for the first time, his eyes usually stop on her face, which he examines briefly and immediately determines whether he is attractive or not. However, some men find that they can judge this even if they only see a woman from behind.

And no, it's not about the butt, it's about the look of the hair. Men are extremely attracted to thick, shiny and well-groomed hair. They believe that the appearance and condition of your hair reveals a lot about you, especially whether you take care of yourself and your appearance.

2. Posture

Posture can also say a lot about you. Men love women who stand up straight because they think that standing up says a lot about her personality. A woman with an upright posture looks beautiful, attractive and confident.

No one is attracted to seeing women with bad posture, and it turns men off tremendously, as they consider them to be insecure people. For yourself and your self-esteem, straighten your back and hold your head high, but not too high, if you don't want to come off as too smug.

The most important thing is to be natural and relaxed.

3. Your friends

Although you might never think about it, the group of people around you is very important to men. Your friends and the people you hang out with reveal a lot about you and have a huge impact on your first impression.

For example, if your friends are loud and rude, a man will assume the same about you, because it is known that "who you hang out with, you are." On the other hand, happy and likable people are what will attract them and what they will immediately notice.


4. Lips

Kissing has been scientifically proven to relieve stress, and research has shown that most people spend an average of about 20,160 minutes kissing. Therefore, it is not surprising that men immediately notice lips on women.

Are they soft and smooth? Are you wearing lipstick? Men especially like the natural look.

5. Things you carry with you

Believe it or not, the size of your handbag is very important and reveals a lot about you. At least that's what the stronger sex claims. The things you carry with you can say a lot about you and your personality.

For example, a woman who has a big bag full of make-up and things like that definitely cares a lot about her appearance, and a woman who carries books is interesting and likes to learn. Women who don't have a wallet are carefree and a bit cold, but those who have toothpaste and deodorant in their purses are ready for anything! 🙂

6. Your smile

It's quite clear and you probably already know: men will immediately notice your smile - what it is and if it's even there. Whether it's a cliché or not, men will definitely be attracted to happy and smiling women.

But the most important thing is that the smile remains natural, because people can immediately judge whether it is a real or fake smile. So if you don't feel like laughing, don't force it because it doesn't look attractive at all.


7. Shoes

You don't have to wear high heels every day, but it is quite certain that men will immediately notice a woman in heels. High heels are extremely attractive to them, as they symbolize seduction and courage.

However, if you don't know how to walk in high heels or they are uncomfortable, then you should not wear them.

8. Your walk

Walking is extremely important and says a lot about your self-confidence. Be confident, but in a natural and relaxed way.

Don't strut around like you're walking a catwalk, walk like a lady.

9. Your attitude

Your attitude is probably the most important non-physical thing that men will immediately notice and that is very important to them. A woman can be beautiful like a goddess, but if she has a negative attitude, she will turn a man away in most cases.

Everyone likes happy people with a positive outlook on the world, which makes perfect sense if you think about it. No one wants to hang out with someone who is constantly negative.


10. Good dance moves

A woman who dances well proves a few things about herself: that she feels good in her own skin, is confident in herself and knows how to have a good time. In addition, it is not difficult to spot a good dancer.

So next time you're on the dance floor, remember this. Try to relax and surrender to the rhythm, enjoy the music and yourself. Someone might be watching you on the sidelines!

11. Dress

Men prefer women who wear interesting and unique clothes to those who wear pieces that are too revealing.

Never dress vulgar, but invest a little more time in your style and make it interesting according to your personality.

12. Buttock

With a smile, it's quite obvious that men also notice physical features, and for some reason, a woman's bottom is very interesting.

Be a confident woman with curves!


13. Feet

We already mentioned that men love heels, but they also pay a lot of attention to your feet. Is it smooth feet with manicured nails? No one wants to see dry and cracked heels with untidy nails.

At the very end, we will repeat to you that you are own and natural, because that is the most important thing.

Keep in mind that there is a fine line between attractiveness and vulgarity, beauty and exaggeration, confidence and self-satisfaction, and between a fake and a sincere smile.

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