
13 strange laws around the world that will honestly confuse you

There is probably no country that does not prohibit at least something by law. But some of the things they prohibit are quite funny. Read on, you may soon have to comply with one of these laws.

13 strange marriages around the world that will honestly confuse you:




Do not keep pigeons in Venice.
Do not keep pigeons in Venice.


  • In Singapore, those who cannot live without chewing gum will be fined. They are here banned since 1992. People there believe that they harm both the health of the individual and the environment.



  • In 2008, the Japanese decided to introduce waist size law for persons between the ages of 40 and 74. This should not be more than 86 cm for men and 90 cm for women. This is how they fight obesity and related diseases in Japan. In 2015, those who did not follow this were fined.
The Japanese remain slim even in old age.
The Japanese remain slim even in old age.


  • In 2016, it was introduced in Kerala, India obesity tax. This is 14.5 percent for hamburgers, pizzas, donuts and other fatty dishes served in restaurants.

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